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Alternative Investments and Taxes: Cracking the Code (Coursera)

This comprehensive course offers a thorough understanding of alternative investments, encompassing their regulatory framework, taxation aspects, specific investment types, compliance requirements, and reporting obligations. Students will explore the significance of alternative investments in the financial market and gain insights into the basic regulatory framework governing them. [...]

Cloud Computing Law: Law Enforcement, Competition, & Tax (Coursera)

Sep 23rd 2024
Cloud Computing Law: Law Enforcement, Competition, & Tax (Coursera)
Course Auditing
Have you ever wondered how a police officer in Europe can obtain evidence from a cloud provider in the USA? Or whether a major cloud provider might abuse its market power? Or in which countries cloud providers pay taxes? If so, then this course is for you!

GST - when, where, who and how much? (Coursera)

Sep 23rd 2024
GST - when, where, who and how much? (Coursera)
Course Auditing
In this course, you will build upon your knowledge on the concept of ‘supply’ covered in the first course. Once a transaction is identified as ‘supply’, it is important to determine when, where and on whom GST will apply. Equally important is the computation of the value on [...]
Sep 23rd 2024
Course Auditing
49.00 EUR/month

Introduction to Personal Finance (Coursera)

Sep 23rd 2024
Introduction to Personal Finance (Coursera)
Course Auditing
This course is a general overview of a variety of personal finance topics - including budgeting, the importance of your credit score, cash flow, setting financial goals, and taxes. Taught by two CERTIFIED FINANCIAL PLANNER™ Professionals, the concepts are broken down through videos, readings, and activities so you [...]

Multistate Taxation (Coursera)

This course will examine state and local tax laws prevalent in the United States today. The course will consider the historical progression of state and local taxation, the power of states to tax (and the limitations on that power), and planning strategies for minimizing the impact of state and [...]

Personal & Family Financial Planning (Coursera)

Personal and Family Financial Planning will address many critical personal financial management topics in order to help you learn prudent habits both while in school and throughout your lifetime.

Financial Reporting: Ledgers, Taxes, Auditing Best Practices (Coursera)

This course offers detailed insights into the critical aspects of financial management that can significantly impact a business's bottom line. Participants will explore the intricacies of ledger maintenance, discover cutting-edge tax planning strategies, and learn the auditing best practices that safeguard a company's financial integrity. [...]

Accounting for Mergers and Acquisitions: Advanced Topics (Coursera)

Sep 2nd 2024
Accounting for Mergers and Acquisitions: Advanced Topics (Coursera)
Course Auditing
This course aims at assisting you in interpreting financial accounting information related to advanced issues in inter-corporate investments. The course will cover four main topics over four modules: (i) accounting for spinoffs and equity carveouts, (ii) accounting for leveraged buyouts and recapitalizations, (iii) tax considerations in inter-corporate investments, and [...]

How The Wealthy Create Tax-Exempt Wealth (Skillshare)

Self Paced
How The Wealthy Create Tax-Exempt Wealth (Skillshare)
Free Course
I believe the IRS tries really hard to take the fun out of being successful. If you believe the same, then I have a question for you: if it were up to you, how much of your retirement income would you want to share with the IRS? I hope you said "None of it!"