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Sensori di immagini e misure senza contatto (POK)

Il corso offre una panoramica dei principali concetti legati alla fotografia digitale, focalizzandosi sulle applicazioni in ambito astronomico per lo studio di oggetti celesti.

La legge di gravitazione universale (POK)

Indaghiamo assieme una delle leggi fisiche più belle dell’Universo, ma non solo! Sveliamo i concetti fondamentali della meccanica orbitale, del volo e della propulsione aerospaziale. La forza di gravità è ciò che dà la forma ad ogni oggetto e corpo presente nell’Universo. I pianeti stessi e le loro orbite [...]

The Discovery of the Higgs Boson (FutureLearn)

Should we be excited about the Higgs boson? Find out more about particle physics and understanding the universe. The discovery of a new fundamental particle at the Large Hadron Collider (LHC), CERN is the latest step in a long quest seeking to answer one of physics’ most enduring questions: [...]

Mysteries Of The Universe (FutureLearn)

Discover how more than ninety per cent of the universe is a mystery, and expand your knowledge of cosmology and astronomy. Investigate the most mysterious and fascinating aspects of the universe The more we learn about how the universe works, the more we realise how much we don’t know. What [...]

Archaeoastronomy (POK)

Archaeoastronomy (POK)
Free Course
The science of stars and stones. Archaeoastronomy is the “science of stars and stones”: it studies the relationships between the ancient monuments and the sky, in order to gain a better understanding of the ideas of the architects of the past and of their religious and symbolic world. The [...]

In the Night Sky: Orion (FutureLearn)

Nov 21st 2022
In the Night Sky: Orion (FutureLearn)
Course Auditing
Explore the night sky and improve your knowledge of astronomy, all through the constellation of Orion. This online astronomy course will change the way you see the night sky.

Introduction into General Theory of Relativity (Coursera)

General Theory of Relativity or the theory of relativistic gravitation is the one which describes black holes, gravitational waves and expanding Universe. The goal of the course is to introduce you into this theory. The introduction is based on the consideration of many practical generic examples in various [...]

Greatest Unsolved Mysteries of the Universe (edX)

Exploring the biggest mysteries of modern astrophysics. Despite spectacular recent progress, there is still a lot we don't know about our universe. We don't know why the Big Bang happened. We don't know what most of the universe is made of. We don't know whether there is life in [...]

Astrophysics: Cosmology (edX)

Exploring the origin, fate and nature of our universe. This course covers cosmology – the study of our entire universe. Where did the universe come from? How will it end? What is the nature of space and time? For the first time in human history, we can give [...]

The Radio Sky II: Observational Radio Astronomy (edX)

This course covers the principles and practices of radio astronomical observations, in particular with modern interferometers. Topics range from radio telescope technology to the measurement equation to radio interferometric calibration and imaging.