Ancient Egypt

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Iniciación a los Jeroglíficos Egipcios (Coursera)

May 13th 2024
Iniciación a los Jeroglíficos Egipcios (Coursera)
Course Auditing
¿Te apasiona la historia y la cultura del antiguo Egipto? ¿Sientes fascinación por las lenguas y los sistemas de escritura de las civilizaciones de la Antigüedad? ¿Te atrae la idea de adentrarte en el secreto de los jeroglíficos egipcios y comprender las claves de su lectura e interpretación? ¡Si [...]

El Valle de los Reyes (Coursera)

Este curso va dirigido a todos los amantes de la historia y arqueología, en general, y de manera particular a todos los interesados en egiptología, independientemente de su nivel de conocimiento inicial. El Valle de los Reyes constituye uno de los yacimientos arqueológicos más importantes de Egipto y su [...]

Historia del Arte: Del Arte Prehistórico al Renacimiento (Coursera)

El arte deriva de un deseo de la persona para comunicarse con otros” (Edvard Munch). Y es desde la prehistoria que el humano ha dejado impresas sus huellas a través del arte. ¿Qué características tienen esas huellas artísticas? ¿Qué nos comunican sobre el periodo de tiempo al que pertenecen? [...]

Wonders of Ancient Egypt (Coursera)

Colossal pyramids, imposing temples, golden treasures, enigmatic hieroglyphs, powerful pharaohs, strange gods, and mysterious mummies are features of Ancient Egyptian culture that have fascinated people over the millennia. The Bible refers to its gods, rulers, and pyramids. Neighboring cultures in the ancient Near East and Mediterranean wrote about [...]

Introduction to Ancient Egypt and Its Civilization (Coursera)

Colossal pyramids, imposing temples, golden treasures, enigmatic hieroglyphs, powerful pharaohs, strange gods, and mysterious mummies are features of Ancient Egyptian culture that have fascinated people over the millennia. The Bible refers to its gods, rulers, and pyramids. Neighboring cultures in the ancient Near East and Mediterranean wrote about its [...]

Egypt before and after pharaohs. (Coursera)

Apr 29th 2024
Egypt before and after pharaohs. (Coursera)
Course Auditing
History of Ancient Egypt. Before and after the Pharaohs: From the birth of the State (c. 3000 BCE) to the early Christian communities (4th century CE).

Pyramids of Giza: Ancient Egyptian Art and Archaeology (edX)

Explore the archaeology, history, art, and hieroglyphs surrounding the famous Egyptian Pyramids at Giza. Learn about Old Kingdom pharaohs and elites, tombs, temples, the Sphinx, and how new technology is unlocking their secrets. Where is Giza? How were the Pyramids built? How did the cemeteries and hundreds of decorated [...]

Biblical Archaeology: The archaeology of ancient Israel and Judah (edX)

Join me as I share with you my passion for archaeological discovery and learn about the exciting methods of modern archaeology. Explore how archaeology illuminates biblical Israel and Judah, and the archaeological finds relate to the bible. Join me for an introductory course on biblical archaeology of ancient Israel [...]

Oriental Beliefs: Between Reason and Traditions (edX)

Explore the spiritual and magical beliefs of cultures, from ancient Egypt to modern Japan, as we discuss gods, the universe, cosmos, dreams and so much more! This course takes a journey through the world of beliefs as they have developed in a great variety of cultures, ranging from Ancient [...]

Ancient Egyptian Civilisation (edX)

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Ancient Egyptian Civilisation (edX)
Course Auditing
Learn about the history, women, and architecture of ancient Egypt from the Library of Alexandria, Egypt's celebrated learning and cultural complex. This brief, introductory history course will take you on a journey into the wonders of ancient Egypt as you discover why ancient Egypt is the legend that it [...]