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Communication Skills for University Success (Coursera)

This Specialization is aimed at preparing students for undergraduate study in an English-speaking university. The course equips you for full participation and engagement with your studies by building awareness and understanding of the core values and expectations of academic culture, and providing you with practical strategies to apply to [...]

Pluralidades em Português Brasileiro (Coursera)

Pluralidades em Português Brasileiro is a five-week long online self-access course whose aim is to expand intercultural awareness and develop upper intermediate/advanced reading and listening comprehension skills regarding Brazilian Portuguese as a foreign language. An extra week was added to expand the topics of the course. [...]

U101: Understanding College and College Life (Coursera)

College can be confusing and intimidating, but U101 can help. If you were just admitted to college and are nervous about what the next step in life might look like, this course is for you. If you are the parent of a newly admitted college student and curious about [...]

Approximation Algorithms Part I (Coursera)

How efficiently can you pack objects into a minimum number of boxes? How well can you cluster nodes so as to cheaply separate a network into components around a few centers? These are examples of NP-hard combinatorial optimization problems. It is most likely impossible to solve such problems efficiently, [...]

Calculus: Single Variable Part 4 - Applications (Coursera)

Calculus is one of the grandest achievements of human thought, explaining everything from planetary orbits to the optimal size of a city to the periodicity of a heartbeat. This brisk course covers the core ideas of single-variable Calculus with emphases on conceptual understanding and applications. The course is ideal [...]

Calculus: Single Variable Part 3 - Integration (Coursera)

Calculus is one of the grandest achievements of human thought, explaining everything from planetary orbits to the optimal size of a city to the periodicity of a heartbeat. This brisk course covers the core ideas of single-variable Calculus with emphases on conceptual understanding and applications. The course is ideal [...]

Calculus: Single Variable Part 2 - Differentiation (Coursera)

Calculus is one of the grandest achievements of human thought, explaining everything from planetary orbits to the optimal size of a city to the periodicity of a heartbeat. This brisk course covers the core ideas of single-variable Calculus with emphases on conceptual understanding and applications. The course is ideal [...]

Calculus: Single Variable Part 1 - Functions (Coursera)

Calculus is one of the grandest achievements of human thought, explaining everything from planetary orbits to the optimal size of a city to the periodicity of a heartbeat. This brisk course covers the core ideas of single-variable Calculus with emphases on conceptual understanding and applications. The course is ideal [...]

Introduction à la théorie de Galois (Coursera)

May 13th 2024
Introduction à la théorie de Galois (Coursera)
Free Course
Le cours expose la théorie de Galois, du classique critère de non-résolubilité des équations polynomiales aux méthodes plus avancées de calcul de groupes de Galois par réduction modulo un nombre premier. Le thème général de cette théorie est l'étude des racines d'un polynôme et concerne en particulier la possibilité [...]

Statistical Mechanics: Algorithms and Computations (Coursera)

In this course you will learn a whole lot of modern physics (classical and quantum) from basic computer programs that you will download, generalize, or write from scratch, discuss, and then hand in. Join in if you are curious (but not necessarily knowledgeable) about algorithms, and about the deep [...]