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América Latina en los cambios internacionales: amenazas y oportunidades. (Coursera)

May 6th 2024
América Latina en los cambios internacionales: amenazas y oportunidades. (Coursera)
Course Auditing
El curso busca que comprendas y analices la mayor participación de América Latina en la política internacional. Además, te ayudará a conocer el entorno macro-estratégico en el cual se desarrolla la región, incluyendo la dimensión política, económica, cultural, social, además de las nuevas amenazas y oportunidades. El curso entrega [...]

International Organizations Management (Coursera)

This course provides an introduction to International Organizations and the United Nations, and explores how business and management tools can be applied in these settings to achieve better, more effective results. With a focus on cross-sector partnerships in a changing world, the course offers you insights into the inner [...]

Beyond Silicon Valley: Growing Entrepreneurship in Transitioning Economies (Coursera)

The path for entrepreneurs to grow their companies outside of well-developed entrepreneurial ecosystems like Silicon Valley is challenging. Most markets around the world do not look like Silicon Valley, and they never will. But there are other models to support new businesses. In transitioning markets (where entrepreneurs do not [...]

Introduction to Safeguarding in the International Aid Sector (FutureLearn)

Jan 24th 2022
Introduction to Safeguarding in the International Aid Sector (FutureLearn)
Course Auditing
Become a safeguarding specialist and learn how to lead, develop, and implement a strong safeguarding policy in your organisation. Learn about safeguarding policies and procedures in the aid sector. This course will help those working in NGOs and development and humanitarian agencies to better understand the causes of harm, [...]

The Challenges of Global Poverty (edX)

A course for those who are interested in the challenge posed by massive and persistent world poverty. This is a course for those who are interested in the challenge posed by massive and persistent world poverty, and are hopeful that economists might have something useful to say about this [...]