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Star Trek: Inspiring Culture and Technology III (edX)

Self Paced
Star Trek: Inspiring Culture and Technology III (edX)
Course Auditing
Explore how Star Trek inspires reflection on our own history, humanity, and place in the universe. Why has Star Trek , which began as a failed network series, become so influential? Instead of fading away, the Star Trek universe now encompasses feature films, additional television series, and a universe [...]

Big Bang and the Origin of Chemical Elements (edX)

Discover the ultimate origin of all chemical elements essential for life. Explore the Big Bang through Nobel Lectures and scientific papers in part 2 of Life in the Universe. This course will start with the nuclear structure of atoms and discuss the creation of hydrogen in the big bang [...]

Cosmic Rays, Dark Matter, and the Mysteries of the Universe (edX)

Self Paced
Cosmic Rays, Dark Matter, and the Mysteries of the Universe (edX)
Course Auditing
Join us on a unique exploration of one of the universe’s deepest mysteries: cosmic rays. In the Universe, high-energy cosmic rays are violently propagating in space. While we know these cosmic rays come from outside of the solar system, exactly how and where they originate is a mystery. Professor [...]

Greatest Unsolved Mysteries of the Universe (edX)

Exploring the biggest mysteries of modern astrophysics. Despite spectacular recent progress, there is still a lot we don't know about our universe. We don't know why the Big Bang happened. We don't know what most of the universe is made of. We don't know whether there is life in [...]

Astrophysics: Cosmology (edX)

Exploring the origin, fate and nature of our universe. This course covers cosmology – the study of our entire universe. Where did the universe come from? How will it end? What is the nature of space and time? For the first time in human history, we can give [...]

Painting the Universe- Pinwheel Galaxy (Skillshare)

Self Paced
Painting the Universe- Pinwheel Galaxy (Skillshare)
Free Course
The universe is a vast and beautiful thing. With new discoveries going on frequently, it seems so much more relevant to our daily lives. To me, it is the epitome of abstract art. I started painting the universe to explore my definition of abstract art since [...]

From Atoms to Stars: How Physics Explains Our World (edX)

Explore the universe through physics from the smallest micro particle to the vastness of galaxies. In this physics course, you will learn about the structure and function of our universe, from the micro-world of quantum fields and atoms up to the mega-world of stars and galaxies. You will learn [...]

Astrophysics: Exploring Exoplanets (edX)

Explore the mysteries of exoplanets - planets around other stars – in this introductory astrophysics course. The discovery of exoplanets is one of the greatest revolutions in modern astrophysics. Twenty years ago, we had no idea whether any of the countless stars out there beyond our solar system had [...]

Peser l'Univers (FUN)

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Peser l'Univers (FUN)
Free Course
Comment peser l'Univers ? Plus exactement, comment mesurer cette grandeur fondamentale qu'est la masse pour tout objet céleste ? Ce cours a pour objectif de vous initier aux différentes méthodes utilisées par les astrophysiciens pour mesurer la masse. Ces méthodes seront illustrées pour le Système solaire et jusqu'aux galaxies [...]

Space Mission Design and Operations (edX)

Learn the concepts used in the design of space missions, manned or unmanned and operations, based on the professional experience of the lecturer. This course builds on university level physics and mechanics to introduce and illustrate orbital dynamics as is applied in the design of space missions. Simple tools [...]