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Mind of the Universe: Science in Progress (Coursera)

From William Harvey discovering the circulation of blood to Albert Einstein developing the theory of relativity: almost all scientific research starts from something odd and unexpected that hasn't been explained yet, and, subsequently, the scientist creatively imagining possible explanations for it, formulating [...]

Effective Thinking Through Mathematics (edX)

Learn tools of effective thinking through puzzles and mathematics in this fun and fascinating course. A wondrously romantic belief is that brilliant thinkers magically produce brilliant ideas: Einstein jostles his hair and relativity falls out. We can enjoy these fanciful visions of leaps of genius, but we should not [...]

Philosophy and Critical Thinking (edX)

Thinking about thinking. What can we learn through philosophical inquiry that will help us to think with clarity, rigour and humour about things that matter? This course introduces principles of philosophical inquiry and critical thinking that will help us answer this question.

The Science of Everyday Thinking (edX)

Learn how to think better, argue better, and choose better. We will explore everyday thinking: why people believe weird things, how we form and change our opinions, why our expectations skew our judgments, and how we can make better decisions. We discuss and debate topics such as medical diagnosis, [...]

Converting Challenges into Opportunities (Coursera)

In a very competitive workplace, demonstrating your ability to turn challenges into opportunities is an important to way stand out to hiring managers and to your existing management/leadership. In this course, you will learn how to utilize the knowledge and skills needed to leverage left- and [...]

Pensamento crítico: tomada de decisões fundamentadas (edX)

Aprende a analisar eventos com rigor intelectual. Identifica como as decisões fundamentadas ajudam a lidar com as mudanças. A tomada de decisões no mundo de hoje, um mundo em crescente complexidade, com amplas mudanças e incertezas, cria a necessidade de abordagens que permitam discernir os problemas reais e as [...]

Learn Like a Pro: Science-Based Tools to Become Better at Anything (edX)

Do you spend too much time learning, with disappointing results? Do you put off studying because it’s boring and you’re easily distracted? This course is for you! In Learn Like a Pro , beloved teacher of learning Dr. Barbara Oakley, and learning coach extraordinaire Olav Schewe lay out techniques [...]

The Hook, the Bait, and the Fish: Approaches to Teaching Thinking (edX)

Oct 31st 2021
The Hook, the Bait, and the Fish: Approaches to Teaching Thinking (edX)
Course Auditing
This course introduces the enormously influential educational movement of teaching thinking in terms of three approaches: the skills approach; the dispositions approach; and the understanding approach. You will learn the key concepts of teaching thinking and how to implement them. The knowledge economy, scientific and technological advances, democratic society, [...]

Develop Conceptual Thinking for Problem-Solving (FutureLearn)

Jul 26th 2021
Develop Conceptual Thinking for Problem-Solving (FutureLearn)
Course Auditing
Use critical thinking and the conceptual thinking framework to approach problems effectively and communicate your solutions. Learn to solve complex problems with strategic thinking Life and business are getting faster and more complex every day. The faster pace ramps up the pressure to act quickly but this complexity demands careful, [...]

An Extraordinary Moment (Skillshare)

Learn to handle situations and identify opportunities before they arise, by developing personal insight. People in general are very predictable. We humans all want similar things and are driven by these desires. That being said, each and every situation is different. There are no ideal situations or predictable environments. [...]