Marketing Campaign

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Foundations of Retail Media (Coursera)

Sep 23rd 2024
Foundations of Retail Media (Coursera)
Course Auditing
This course is targeted towards digital marketers, advertising professionals, business owners, marketing students, freelancers, and third-party businesses seeking a comprehensive understanding of retail media and digital advertising. As online shopping has grown in popularity with consumers, retail media has become more popular with brands. The term retail media refers [...]

Building and Pitching Marketing Campaigns in Tech Industries (Coursera)

Once we have a great strategy, much preparation remains to garner resources, plan the launch and then execute. Some industries, mostly high-end B2B, still demand the support and attention that only a human salesforce can provide. Public relations and sponsorships remain viable, traditional communication strategies. Pricing, forecasting and [...]

Medir y optimizar campañas de marketing en redes sociales (Coursera)

Sep 23rd 2024
Medir y optimizar campañas de marketing en redes sociales (Coursera)
Course Auditing
Este curso te proporcionará las habilidades para optimizar tus acciones de marketing en redes sociales. Aprende a evaluar e interpretar los resultados de tus campañas publicitarias. Aprende a evaluar la efectividad de la publicidad a través de estudios de mejora y optimiza tus campañas con pruebas divididas. Comprende cómo [...]

Medir e otimizar campanhas de marketing de mídias sociais (Coursera)

Este curso fornece as habilidades para otimizar seus esforços de marketing de mídias sociais. Aprenda a avaliar e interpretar os resultados de suas campanhas publicitárias. Saiba como avaliar a eficácia da publicidade por meio de estudos de aumento e otimizar suas campanhas com testes de divisão. Entenda como a [...]

Measure and Optimize Social Media Marketing Campaigns (Coursera)

This course provides you with the skills to optimize your social media marketing efforts. Learn to evaluate and interpret the results of your advertising campaigns. Learn how to assess advertising effectiveness through lift studies and optimize your campaigns with split testing. Understand how advertising effectiveness is measured across platforms [...]

How to Implement and Evaluate Communication Campaigns (Coursera)

As the recommended third course of the specialization, Strategic Communication Campaigns, this course rounds out your communication campaign process knowledge by speaking to how to implement and evaluate the planning and execution of communication campaigns. This course offers an in-depth review of several case studies on how the specifics [...]

Integrated and Strategic Communication Campaigns (Coursera)

Welcome to "Integrated and Strategic Communication Campaigns", the first course of the specialization, Strategic Communication Campaigns. Ever wanted to "get the word out" or create "buzz" for your organization? This course will leave you knowing how to deliver the right message to the right audience at the right time [...]

Assess for Success: Marketing Analytics and Measurement (Coursera)

Sep 16th 2024
Assess for Success: Marketing Analytics and Measurement (Coursera)
Course Auditing
Assess for Success: Marketing Analytics and Measurement is the fifth of seven courses in the Google Digital Marketing & E-commerce Certificate. This course explores marketing analytics practices and tools. Digital marketing and e-commerce professionals are expected to analyze data from various sources (such as web pages, digital marketing channels, [...]

Otimizando o Marketing Digital (Coursera)

Nossas boas-vindas ao Curso Otimizando o Marketing Digital. Neste curso, você terá contato com diversas discussões que contribuem para o entendimento de como otimizar o marketing digital. Ao final deste curso, você será capaz de pensar holisticamente, de forma a otimizar campanhas, analisar tendências, gerar insights e relacionar o [...]

Search Advertising (Coursera)

Consumers search for virtually everything. This includes the things that small businesses do, from restaurants to bespoke products. When consumers search they get organic results along with paid results. Paid search ads are systematically designed to be relevant. As a result, they’re often useful at getting consumers where they [...]