Logistic Regression

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Foundations of Machine Learning (Coursera)

In a world where data-driven insights are reshaping industries, mastering the foundations of machine learning is a valuable skill that opens doors to innovation and informed decision-making. In this comprehensive course, you will be guided through the core concepts and practical aspects of machine learning. Complex algorithms and techniques [...]

Variable Selection, Model Validation, Nonlinear Regression (Coursera)

If you have a technical background in mathematics/statistics/computer science/engineering and or are pursuing a career change to jobs or industries that are data-driven, this course is for you. Those industries might be finance, retail, tech, healthcare, government, or many others. The opportunity is endless. [...]

Classification Analysis (Coursera)

The "Classification Analysis" course provides you with a comprehensive understanding of one of the fundamental supervised learning methods, classification. You will explore various classifiers, including KNN, decision tree, support vector machine, naive bayes, and logistic regression, and learn how to evaluate their performance. Through tutorials and engaging case studies, [...]

Analysis and Interpretation of Data (Coursera)

This course focuses on the analysis and interpretation of data. The focus will be placed on data preparation and description and quantitative and qualitative data analysis. The course commences with a discussion of data preparation, scale internal consistency, appropriate data analysis and the Pearson correlation. [...]

Introducción al Aprendizaje Profundo (Coursera)

Este curso te brindará los conocimientos introductorios sobre Aprendizaje Profundo, vas a entender los fundamentos teóricos y su implementación . Se comenzará entendiendo cómo evolucionó el campo hasta llegar a las redes profundas y cuáles son sus principales beneficios frente a otras técnicas de aprendizaje supervisado, así como también [...]

Machine Learning Algorithms with R in Business Analytics (Coursera)

One of the most exciting aspects of business analytics is finding patterns in the data using machine learning algorithms. In this course you will gain a conceptual foundation for why machine learning algorithms are so important and how the resulting models from those algorithms are used to find actionable [...]

Prediction Models with Sports Data (Coursera)

In this course the learner will be shown how to generate forecasts of game results in professional sports using Python. The main emphasis of the course is on teaching the method of logistic regression as a way of modeling game results, using data on team expenditures. The learner is [...]

Predictive Modeling with Logistic Regression using SAS (Coursera)

Apr 29th 2024
Predictive Modeling with Logistic Regression using SAS (Coursera)
Course Auditing
This course covers predictive modeling using SAS/STAT software with emphasis on the LOGISTIC procedure. This course also discusses selecting variables and interactions, recoding categorical variables based on the smooth weight of evidence, assessing models, treating missing values, and using efficiency techniques for massive data sets. You learn to use [...]

Deep Neural Networks with PyTorch (Coursera)

The course will teach you how to develop deep learning models using Pytorch. The course will start with Pytorch's tensors and Automatic differentiation package. Then each section will cover different models starting off with fundamentals such as Linear Regression, and logistic/softmax regression.