Labor Market

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The Economics of AI (Coursera)

The course introduces you to cutting-edge research in the economics of AI and the implications for economic growth and labor markets. We start by analyzing the nature of intelligence and information theory. Then we connect our analysis to modeling production and technological change in economics, and how these processes [...]

Principles of Economics: Macroeconomics - The Big Picture (Coursera)

Sep 16th 2024
Principles of Economics: Macroeconomics - The Big Picture (Coursera)
Course Auditing
Take a trip with me in this the third and final course of this Economics 100 Specialization which is a direct adaptation from one of my courses I teach at Rice University. Specifically, in this course we're going to be focusing on Macroeconomics. What is Macroeconomics you might be [...]

Inclusive Growth: Labor Markets, Gender, and Technology (edX)

Learn about inclusive growth from a labor market perspective. This course examines inclusive growth from a labor market perspective. It explains how an inclusive labor market is not only important for an individual's economic well-being, but also helps the economy operate more efficiently.

Fundamentals of Macroeconomics (edX)

This introductory course to macroeconomic analysis provides a thorough view of what economists know about aggregate production, inflation, unemployment and economic policies and elevates the learner to a first-year undergraduate level.

Macroeconomics for a Sustainable Planet (edX)

Is it possible to develop a thriving global economy in an equitable and environmentally-resilient way? Unemployment. Inflation. Protectionism. Trade barriers. Fiscal deficit. These are not just terms in an economics textbook or in newspaper headlines. These real-life challenges carry societal and environmental implications for billions of people around the [...]

Shaping the Future of Work (edX)

No sessions available
Shaping the Future of Work (edX)
Course Auditing
Explore ways to improve job opportunities and develop a personal plan for lifelong career success. The goal of this course is to explore and develop plans of action for improving the job and career opportunities for today and tomorrow’s workforce. At this time, there aren’t enough good jobs [...]
No sessions available
Course Auditing
43.00 EUR

Principles of Economics: Microeconomics (MRUniversity)

By taking this free microeconomics course, you’ll be exposed to the economic way of thinking. You’ll understand how to use economics in your life and, ultimately, see the world differently. Supply and demand, prices, the invisible hand, trade, monopoly, externalities, wages, public goods, asymmetric info, and [...]

Labor Economics (

Legacy Course
Labor Economics (
Free Course
In economics, the term “labor” refers to workers. As a factor of production, labor earns wages for the services that it renders. As such, students of labor economics have traditionally set out to understand wage formation, the level of employment, and all elements that go into the [...]