Heavy Metals

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Food Technology, Health and Safety (FutureLearn)

Apr 15th 2024
Food Technology, Health and Safety (FutureLearn)
Course Auditing
Address important food safety concerns including food fraud and allergies, additives, microorganisms, and heavy metals. Learn how to detect food fraud and food allergies. On this four-week course from Taipei Medical University, you’ll discuss global food safety concerns, exploring the effects of different foods, toxins, and additives on the [...]

History of Rock, Part Two (Coursera)

This course, part 2 of a 2-course sequence, examines the history of rock, primarily as it unfolded in the United States, from the early 1970s to the early 1990s. This course covers the music of Led Zeppelin, the Allman Brothers, Carole King, Bob Marley, the Sex Pistols, Donna Summer, [...]

Water quality and the biogeochemical engine (edX)

Learn about how the quality of water is a direct result of complex bio-geo-chemical interactions, and about how to use these processes to mitigate water quality issues. Interested in environmental issues, but unsure where to start? This is the course for you! High quality water, to be provided for [...]