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Learning with creativity: Let the game begin! (SchoolEducationGateway)

Play has long been an essential tool for learning. Philosophers, biologists, educators and psychologists alike have tried to investigate, understand and explain the roots and purpose of this universal activity. Whether no-, low- or high-tech, games are problem-solving activities approached with a playful attitude, making them a great way [...]

Jugando con Android - Aprende a programar tu primera App (edX)

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Jugando con Android - Aprende a programar tu primera App (edX)
Course Auditing
Aprende a programar en Android a través de la implementación paso a paso de un juego interactivo. Según datos publicados por Gartner a nivel mundial, casi el 60% de los teléfonos vendidos en 2013 fueron teléfonos inteligentes. Alrededor del 80% de estos teléfonos llevaban en su interior el [...]

Introduction to Game Design (edX)

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Introduction to Game Design (edX)
Course Auditing
A practical introduction to game design and game design concepts, emphasizing the basic tools of game design: paper and digital prototyping, design iteration, and user testing. We have all played and enjoyed games, but how do people actually design them? How do you describe a game? What are the [...]
No sessions available
Course Auditing
81.00 EUR

Game Elements for Learning (

Jul 1st 2013
Game Elements for Learning (
Free Course
Gamification is the integration of game elements into a non-game setting — such as building online communities, education and outreach, or building educational apps. When used meaningfully, game elements can enhance the learner’s experience in an online course. In this professional development MOOC, you will learn how to utilize [...]

Program Arcade Games - Learn Computer Science (Simpson College)

This is a first semester course in learning how to program. Are you here because you want to create your own games? Excellent! But you might soon find that this looks like work. We all know we'd rather skip work and go farming for gold in WoW or Eve [...]