Differential Equations

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Modelling with Differential Equations (edX)

How do populations grow? How do viruses spread? What is the trajectory of a glider? Introduce yourself to the modelling cycle which includes: analyzing a problem, formulating it as a mathematical model, calculating solutions and validating your results.

Mathematical Techniques for Problem Solving in Engineering and Science (edX)

Learn fundamental mathematical techniques from Linear Algebra and Calculus used in STEM domains, critically reflect on these through pertinent examples, and practice the concepts with the use of applets and exercises.

Introduction to Quantum Science & Technology (edX)

Aug 21st 2023
Introduction to Quantum Science & Technology (edX)
Course Auditing
Learn about fundamental concepts and engineering challenges of quantum technologies. Emerging quantum systems are disruptive technologies redefining computing and communication. Teaching quantum physics to engineers and educating scientists on engineering solutions are critical to address fundamental and engineering challenges of the quantum [...]

Equazioni differenziali lineari del secondo ordine (POK)

Il corso fornisce una introduzione semplice, ma rigorosa, alle equazioni differenziali lineari del secondo ordine. Il corso fornisce una introduzione semplice, ma rigorosa, alle equazioni differenziali lineari del secondo ordine, omogenee e non omogenee, e alla loro risoluzione nel caso di coefficienti costanti. Sono inoltre presentate le principali applicazioni [...]

Calculus I: From Functions to Differential Equations (edX)

Refresh and review your bachelor-level calculus. This course covers all the various differentiation and integration techniques and guides you through several important methods for solving differential equations. A strong foundation in mathematics is critical for success in all science and engineering disciplines. Whether you want to make a strong [...]

Differential Equations: Fourier Series and Partial Differential Equations (edX)

Mar 22nd 2023
Differential Equations: Fourier Series and Partial Differential Equations (edX)
Course Auditing
Learn to use Fourier series to solve differential equations with periodic input signals and to solve boundary value problems involving the heat equation and wave equation. Differential equations are the mathematical language we use to describe the world around us. Many phenomena are not modeled by differential equations, but [...]

Differential Equations in Action (Udacity)

Making Math Matter. In this course, you'll hone your problem-solving skills through learning to find numerical solutions to systems of differential equations. You'll write code in Python to fight forest fires, rescue the Apollo 13 astronauts, stop the spread of epidemics, and resolve other real-world [...]

Transfer Functions and the Laplace Transform (edX)

Self Paced
Transfer Functions and the Laplace Transform (edX)
Course Auditing
An intro to the mysteries of the frequency domain and Laplace transform and how they're used to understand mechanical and electrical systems. This course is about the Laplace Transform, a single very powerful tool for understanding the behavior of a wide range of mechanical and electrical systems: from helicopters [...]

Introducción a las ecuaciones diferenciales (edX)

Aprende el lenguaje de las ecuaciones diferenciales ordinarias y su aplicación en la modelación de muchos de los fenómenos que nos rodean. Este curso en línea se centra en el estudio de las ecuaciones diferenciales ordinarias (EDOs) de primer orden y consta de una introducción a la terminología y [...]

Differential Equations: Linear Algebra and NxN Systems of Differential Equations (edX)

Jan 11th 2023
Differential Equations: Linear Algebra and NxN Systems of Differential Equations (edX)
Course Auditing
Learn how to use linear algebra and MATLAB to solve large systems of differential equations. Differential equations are the mathematical language we use to describe the world around us. Most phenomena can be modeled not by single differential equations, but by systems of interacting differential equations. These systems may [...]