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Hacking COVID-19 — Course 3: Unraveling COVID-19's Origins (Coursera)

In this course, you will follow in the footsteps of the bioinformaticians investigating the COVID-19 outbreak by investigating the origins of SARS-CoV-2. Whether you’re new to the world of computational biology, or you’re a bioinformatics expert seeking to learn about its applications in the COVID-19 pandemic, or somewhere in [...]

Hacking COVID-19 — Course 2: Decoding SARS-CoV-2's Secrets (Coursera)

In this course, you will follow in the footsteps of the bioinformaticians investigating the COVID-19 outbreak by annotating the SARS-CoV-2 genome and using the annotation to design a COVID-19 diagnostic test. Whether you’re new to the world of computational biology, or you’re a bioinformatics expert seeking to learn about [...]

Hacking COVID-19 — Course 1: Identifying a Deadly Pathogen (Coursera)

In this course, you will follow in the footsteps of the bioinformaticians investigating the COVID-19 outbreak by assembling the SARS-CoV-2 genome. Whether you’re new to the world of computational biology, or you’re a bioinformatics expert seeking to learn about its applications in the COVID-19 pandemic, or somewhere in between, [...]

Plant Bioinformatics (Coursera)

The past 15 years have been exciting ones in plant biology. Hundreds of plant genomes have been sequenced, RNA-seq has enabled transcriptome-wide expression profiling, and a proliferation of "-seq"-based methods has permitted protein-protein and protein-DNA interactions to be determined cheaply and in a high-throughput manner. These data sets in [...]

Big Data Science with the BD2K-LINCS Data Coordination and Integration Center (Coursera)

In this course we briefly introduce the DCIC and the various Centers that collect data for LINCS. We then cover metadata and how metadata is linked to ontologies. We then present data processing and normalization methods to clean and harmonize LINCS data. This follow discussions about how data is [...]

Bioinformatic Methods I (Coursera)

Large-scale biology projects such as the sequencing of the human genome and gene expression surveys using RNA-seq, microarrays and other technologies have created a wealth of data for biologists. However, the challenge facing scientists is analyzing and even accessing these data to extract useful information pertaining to the system [...]

Bacterial Bioinformatics (Coursera)

This course provides demonstrations and exercises for performing common genomics-based analysis tasks of bacterial sequence data. It uses PATRIC, the PathoSystems Resource Integration Center, as the platform for analysis. PATRIC is the NIH/NIAID-funded bacterial Bioinformatics Resource Center, providing comprehensive bacterial genomic data with integrated analysis tools and [...]

Metagenomics applied to surveillance of pathogens and antimicrobial resistance (Coursera)

The field of metagenomics and whole community sequencing is a promising area to unravel the content of microbial communities and their relationship to disease and antimicrobial resistance in the human population. Bioinformatic tools are extremely important for making sense out of metagenomics data, by estimating the presence of [...]

Finding Mutations in DNA and Proteins (Bioinformatics VI) (Coursera)

In previous courses in the Specialization, we have discussed how to sequence and compare genomes. This course will cover advanced topics in finding mutations lurking within DNA and proteins. In the first half of the course, we would like to ask how an individual's genome differs from the "reference [...]

Bioconductor for Genomic Data Science (Coursera)

Learn to use tools from the Bioconductor project to perform analysis of genomic data. This is the fifth course in the Genomic Big Data Specialization from Johns Hopkins University.