Bioinformatics Specialization

How do we sequence and compare genomes? How do we identify the genetic basis for disease? How do we construct an evolutionary Tree of Life for all species on Earth?
When you complete this Specialization, you will learn how to answer many questions in modern biology that have become inseparable from the computational approaches used to solve them. You will also obtain a toolkit of existing software resources built on these computational approaches and that are used by thousands of biologists every day in one of the fastest growing fields in science.
Although this Specialization centers on computational topics, you do not need to know how to program in order to complete it. If you are interested in programming, we feature an "Honors Track" (called "hacker track" in previous runs of the course). The Honors Track allows you to implement the bioinformatics algorithms that you will encounter along the way in dozens of automatically graded coding challenges. By completing the Honors Track, you will be a bioinformatics software professional!
Learn more about the Bioinformatics Specialization (including why we are wearing these crazy outfits) by watching our introductory video.
You can purchase the Specialization's print companion, Bioinformatics Algorithms: An Active Learning Approach, from the textbook website.
Our first course, "Finding Hidden Messages in DNA", was named a top-50 MOOC of all time by Class Central!

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Genomic Data Science and Clustering (Bioinformatics V) (Coursera)

How do we infer which genes orchestrate various processes in the cell? How did humans migrate out of Africa and spread around the world? In this class, we will see that these two seemingly different questions can be addressed using similar algorithmic and machine learning techniques arising from the [...]

Finding Hidden Messages in DNA (Bioinformatics I) (Coursera)

This course begins a series of classes illustrating the power of computing in modern biology. Please join us on the frontier of bioinformatics to look for hidden messages in DNA without ever needing to put on a lab coat. In the first half of the course, we investigate DNA [...]

Finding Mutations in DNA and Proteins (Bioinformatics VI) (Coursera)

In previous courses in the Specialization, we have discussed how to sequence and compare genomes. This course will cover advanced topics in finding mutations lurking within DNA and proteins. In the first half of the course, we would like to ask how an individual's genome differs from the "reference [...]

Genome Sequencing (Bioinformatics II) (Coursera)

You may have heard a lot about genome sequencing and its potential to usher in an era of personalized medicine, but what does it mean to sequence a genome? Biologists still cannot read the nucleotides of an entire genome as you would read a book from beginning to end. [...]