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Entrepreneurship 4: Financing and Profitability (Coursera)

Start-ups can benefit from a wide variety of financing options on the path to profitability, but how do you know which one to choose? This course explores different financing models, including bootstrapping, organic growth, debt and risk capital, and also provides a clear overview of equity financing including the [...]

Leveraging Gen AI for Code Generation: An Introduction (Coursera)

This course comprises three videos, each offering a unique perspective on the use of Generative AI (Gen AI) in software development, specifically in code generation. It's important to note that there are no hands-on practices or assessments in this course.

Generative AI Essentials: Overview and Impact (Coursera)

With the rise of generative artificial intelligence, there has been a growing demand to explore how to use these powerful tools not only in our work but also in our day-to-day lives. Generative AI Essentials: Overview and Impact introduces learners to large language models and generative AI tools, like [...]

Systems Engineering (Coursera)

May 10th 2024
Systems Engineering (Coursera)
Course Auditing
Systems Engineering provides a broad overview of how systems engineering helps you develop complex projects that meet program objectives in an efficient way. You will learn how system architectures are developed and described, how to communicate the needs, requirements, and constraints throughout the project, how to optimize the design [...]
May 10th 2024
Course Auditing
45.00 EUR

Data Science Companion (Coursera)

May 10th 2024
Data Science Companion (Coursera)
Course Auditing
The Data Science Companion provides an introduction to data science. You will gain a quick background in data science and core machine learning concepts, such as regression and classification. You’ll be introduced to the practical knowledge of data processing and visualization using low-code solutions, as well as an overview [...]

Shaping Urban Futures (Coursera)

If we are to make sense of the future of humanity, we must understand the future of the city. For some scholars the 21st century globe will see the most significant change of human history - the move of most of the world to live in cities - a [...]

idea 2 IMPACT: An Introduction to Translating Assistive Health Technologies and Other Products (Coursera)

May 10th 2024
idea 2 IMPACT: An Introduction to Translating Assistive Health Technologies and Other Products (Coursera)
Course Auditing
idea 2 IMPACT (i2I) is an online, 6-week course that will guide you step by step through the experience of developing an innovative and entrepreneurial idea in the area of assistive technology (AT). Each week, you will focus on a stage of the translational process as you work in [...]

Learning How To Learn for Youth (Coursera)

Based on the most popular open online course in the world, this course gives you easy access to the learning techniques used by experts in art, music, literature, math, science, sports, and many other disciplines. No matter what your current skill level, using these approaches can help you master [...]

Introduction to Machine Learning (Coursera)

This course will provide you a foundational understanding of machine learning models (logistic regression, multilayer perceptrons, convolutional neural networks, natural language processing, etc.) as well as demonstrate how these models can solve complex problems in a variety of industries, from medical diagnostics to image recognition to text prediction. [...]

Accounting Analysis II: Measurement and Disclosure of Liabilities (Coursera)

This course is the third course in the five-course Financial Reporting Specialization. This course begins with a discussion of current liabilities and contingencies and continues with long-term debt and bonds. The course next explores accounting model for leases, both lessees and lessors, and a discussion on deferred tax [...]