Statistics & Data Analysis

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Introduction to Clinical Data (Coursera)

This course introduces you to a framework for successful and ethical medical data mining. We will explore the variety of clinical data collected during the delivery of healthcare. You will learn to construct analysis-ready datasets and apply computational procedures to answer clinical questions. We will also explore issues of [...]

Nursing Informatics Leadership Theory and Practice (Coursera)

By the end of this Course, you will be able to… Evaluate effective leadership styles for leadership in nursing informatics in clinical or academic contexts to improve leadership success; Discover core values that support effective nursing informatics leadership in academic and clinical contexts to inform development of a personal [...]

Managing Big Data in Clusters and Cloud Storage (Coursera)

In this course, you'll learn how to manage big datasets, how to load them into clusters and cloud storage, and how to apply structure to the data so that you can run queries on it using distributed SQL engines like Apache Hive and Apache Impala. You’ll learn how to [...]

Foundations for Big Data Analysis with SQL (Coursera)

In this course, you'll get a big-picture view of using SQL for big data, starting with an overview of data, database systems, and the common querying language (SQL). Then you'll learn the characteristics of big data and SQL tools for working on big data platforms. You'll also install an [...]

Analyzing Big Data with SQL (Coursera)

In this course, you'll get an in-depth look at the SQL SELECT statement and its main clauses. The course focuses on big data SQL engines Apache Hive and Apache Impala, but most of the information is applicable to SQL with traditional RDBMs as well; the instructor explicitly addresses differences [...]

Tools for Data Science (Coursera)

What are some of the most popular data science tools, how do you use them, and what are their features? In this course, you'll learn about Jupyter Notebooks, RStudio IDE, Apache Zeppelin and Data Science Experience. You will learn about what each tool is used for, what programming languages [...]

Data Processing and Feature Engineering with MATLAB (Coursera)

In this course, you will build on the skills learned in Exploratory Data Analysis with MATLAB to lay the foundation required for predictive modeling. This intermediate-level course is useful to anyone who needs to combine data from multiple sources or times and has an interest in modeling.

Deploying Machine Learning Models (Coursera)

In this course we will learn about Recommender Systems (which we will study for the Capstone project), and also look at deployment issues for data products. By the end of this course, you should be able to implement a working recommender system (e.g. to predict ratings, or generate lists [...]

Meaningful Predictive Modeling (Coursera)

This course will help us to evaluate and compare the models we have developed in previous courses. So far we have developed techniques for regression and classification, but how low should the error of a classifier be (for example) before we decide that the classifier is "good enough"? Or [...]