Social Sciences

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Jugar y Aprender Matemática en aulas heterogéneas (Coursera)

May 13th 2024
Jugar y Aprender Matemática en aulas heterogéneas (Coursera)
Course Auditing
Cuando se asume la enseñanza de la matemática con el compromiso de la participación de todos los alumnos en una comunidad de producción, en la que se resuelven problemas con distintos procedimientos, se comparan producciones, se analiza la validez de las afirmaciones que se hacen, la tarea resulta todo [...]

Evaluación educativa del y para el aprendizaje en educación superior (Coursera)

La visión contemporánea del aprendizaje como un proceso activo, constructivo y flexible, además de la diversidad de experiencias de aprendizaje y contextos donde estas se desarrollan, exige al profesorado el diseño de instrumentos de prácticas de evaluación que correspondan a estas necesidades.

Atrévete a innovar tu enseñanza con pensamiento de diseño (Coursera)

¿Quieres conocer nuevas formas de enseñar y no sabes por dónde empezar? La mayoría de nosotros estamos conscientes de que innovar en educación es necesario e importante para que las instituciones educativas respondan a una sociedad en constante cambio. Sin embargo, no existe un consenso sobre qué cambios se [...]

Housing Justice: A View from Indian Cities (Coursera)

This course will introduce learners to different approaches to thinking about housing justice, bringing together material, ecological, social and spatial approaches to thinking about housing. Rooting itself in Indian cities, but speaking more broadly to struggles for housing justice more globally, it will offer a diagnosis of what housing [...]

Aprendiendo a Aprender (Coursera)

May 13th 2024
Aprendiendo a Aprender (Coursera)
Course Auditing
Con el propósito de desarrollar habilidades y herramientas mentales que favorecen el aprendizaje, Aprendiendo a Aprender busca ayudar a los participantes a dominar temas complejos y difíciles; además de motivarlos a continuar aprendiendo a lo largo de la vida. Aprendiendo a Aprender se encuentra divido en cuatro grandes módulos: [...]

Anti-Racism II (Coursera)

Anti-Racism II is an intermediate course between Anti-Racism I and Anti-Racism III, focusing on the topic of race, racism, and strategies regarding how to be an anti-racist. Anti-Racism II is for anyone who has previously taken Anti-Racism I, or who has basic knowledge of the racial issues plaguing the [...]

Suffering and the Human Condition (Coursera)

Suffering is an inevitable yet poorly understood feature of human existence. This course examines how societies respond to the puzzling reality of human anguish. Among the questions it addresses are the following: What is suffering? Which types of human affliction are unique to the modern [...]

Thinking About Care (Coursera)

May 13th 2024
Thinking About Care (Coursera)
Course Auditing
Although all humans require care to develop and thrive, it is rarely the focus of academic studies. This course enriches learner’s understanding of this critical yet underappreciated facet of their lives by addressing such questions as: What is care? Who has traditionally provided it? How valued is care work? [...]

The Challenges of Modern Caregiving (Coursera)

Care workers are occasionally lauded as “heroes” of society, but the special challenges they face are not fully understood. This course examines how the organization of care has changed in modern times and the dilemmas those developments pose to helping professionals. Among the questions it engages are: How does [...]

Linguistic Diversity, What for? (Coursera)

What is linguistic diversity? What are its implications and opportunities? How is diversity around the world? How is it experienced, understood and managed in different contexts? What is your knowledge and experience about languages and diversity? In this course we approach linguistic diversity and multilingualism not only from a [...]