Salesforce Fundamentals Specialization

The Salesforce Fundamentals specialization guides learners through the Salesforce Fundamentals for Business Administration Trailmix and presents what is possible with the Salesforce platform and how it can support your business. This specialization covers the essentials of Salesforce from building a user interface and creating reports and dashboards, to advanced process automation. Upon completion of all the assigned modules and projects, learners will have the skills needed to begin to implement Salesforce in a business.
- Manage user permissions, data security, and object creation.
- Manage and model data to create reports and data visualization

- Automate business processes and integrate Salesforce into an organization.
- Access, navigate around, and transition between Lightning and Classic Salesforce interfaces.

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Salesforce Capstone: Organization Integration (Coursera)

May 13th 2024
Salesforce Capstone: Organization Integration (Coursera)
Course Auditing
In Salesforce Capstone: Organization Integration, the final course of the Salesforce Fundamentals Specialization, learners will complete the Business Administration Specialist Superbadge as their main project. This project asks learners to combine all the skills and knowledge areas that they have collected from the previous three courses. Skill areas to [...]

Salesforce Reporting (Coursera)

May 13th 2024
Salesforce Reporting (Coursera)
Course Auditing
Salesforce Reporting focuses on how the micro-level changes in Salesforce affect the macro level of the user experience. In this course, you will focus on creating custom objects, field dependencies, and work flows to track accounts or services. It is also important that you maintain data clean for your [...]

Salesforce Basics (Coursera)

May 13th 2024
Salesforce Basics (Coursera)
Course Auditing
In this course, you will learn about what the world’s number one Customer Relationship Manager (CRM) system has to offer. You will begin this course by understanding the components that Salesforce leverages to make it an optimal system. You will learn about the basics in Lightning for Sales, Community [...]

Salesforce Integration (Coursera)

May 13th 2024
Salesforce Integration (Coursera)
Course Auditing
Salesforce Integration explores why data management is so important, how Salesforce can help organize and display reported data to gain insight into trends and patterns, and how to automate manual business procedures. Learners will specifically practice creating custom automation process, building work flows, and performing data modeling. The course [...]