E-Learning Development Fund

Фонд развития онлайн-образования (ФРОО) объединяет образовательные стартапы, проекты в области EdTech и запускает собственные онлайн-программы в области машинного обучения, программирования, мобильной разработки, VR, дизайна и IT. Мы выстраиваем экосистему для обучения на всех стадиях жизненного цикла: от идеи и поиска средств на производство образовательной программы до поддержки, продаж и маркетинга. А сотрудничество с крупнейшими образовательными платформами позволяет запускать онлайн-курсы с максимальным эффектом и пользой для всех заинтересованных сторон.

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Logotherapy: Concept of the Human Being (Coursera)

The main aim of the course is to provide you with insights into the logotherapeutic approach to psychotherapeutic practice and the practice of living one’s life; to teach you the main concepts of logotherapy, with reference to what a human being is; to demonstrate the application of logotherapy in [...]

Arab-Muslim Philosophy: Generating new meaning of the world (Coursera)

Dear listeners, our course “Arab-Muslim Philosophy: Generating new meaning of the world and the human Being” is the unique representation of the basic periods and schools of the Arab-Muslim Philosophy in the aspect of consideration, how this philosophical tradition is generating its own vision and meaning of the world [...]

Docker. Basics (Coursera)

The Docker Basics course will introduce you at a fundamental level to one of the technologies in currently highest demand. The course takes 5 weeks. The course program includes lectures and videos - you can choose between text and video — whatever fits you best. At the end of [...]

Introduction to Petroleum Engineering (Coursera)

In this course, you will learn such concepts as oil and gas production, reservoir energy and forces, petroleum deposit drainage, development systems, well operation techniques and much more. Each participant in the course will develop an understanding of field life cycle and interdisciplinary approach to petroleum field development and [...]

Stayin’ Alive! First aid in Emergency (Coursera)

This course introduces the basic actions that should be performed by eyewitnesses right at an emergency scene. The course consists of 5 blocks: a) first aid for heart arrest (Cardiopulmonary resuscitation); b) first aid for airway obstruction and drowning; c) first aid for bleeding, injuries, trauma; d) first [...]

Mastering Web3 with Waves (Coursera)

Aug 1st 2022
Mastering Web3 with Waves (Coursera)
Course Auditing
We are on the threshold of transitioning to the next generation of the internet, Web 3.0, which will be a more transparent and largely decentralized version of the web. To survive and prosper in this new decentralized environment, you’ll need to master new skills, such as building decentralized applications [...]

Presentation skills: Effective Presentation Delivery (Coursera)

Mumbling, stumbling, worrying, trembling, sweating and fearing are the outcomes of the low delivery skills. In this course, we are not going to teach you how to replicate the best bits and traits of the acknowledged speakers. Dumb replication of someone’s successful behavior may help you only to the [...]

Fatigue Failure in Different Fields of Engineering (Coursera)

In recent years, owing to global competition and greater need of customers for safety, durability, and reliability of products, there has been a considerable tendency to improve quality in various industries. In this regard, fatigue is one of the major reasons of industrial failures, which is sometimes caused by [...]

Pharmacology of Antibacterial Agents (Coursera)

The online course “Pharmacology of antibacterial agents” has been designed and developed by the team of authors of Department of General and Clinical Pharmacology, Medical Institute of People’s Friendship University of Russia (RUDN University). The main objective of the course is to provide systemic knowledge on pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic [...]