Daniel Nicklas

Assistant Professor, Director of Primary Care Education for the Pediatrics Residency, Co-medical Director for the Pediatric Call Center
University of Colorado System

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Healthy Practices: Nutrition, Physical Activity, and Community and Family Participation (Coursera)

In this course you will find a comprehensive overlook of healthy practices in public schools in the USA, including: physical activity and nutrition in the school setting. We will review the basics of some of the regulatory programs found in the United States that support healthy students through nutrition [...]

Providing Social, Emotional, Behavioral, and Special Education Services in School (Coursera)

Welcome to our the third course in the School Health specialization: Providing Social, Emotional, Behavioral, and Special Education Services in School. In this course, you will learn about how social-emotional skills, mental health, and learning are related. We will focus on how schools can support social-emotional learning and promote [...]

Managing ADHD, Autism, Learning Disabilities, and Concussion in School (Coursera)

Welcome to our next course in the School Health specialization: Managing ADHD, Autism, Learning Disabilities, and Concussion in School. In this course, you will about the most common developmental and behavioral disorders affecting children such as ADHD, autism spectrum disorder, learning disorders, and concussions. We will focus on how [...]

Managing Asthma, Allergies, Diabetes, and Seizures in School (Coursera)

Welcome to School Health specialization: Managing Asthma, Anaphylaxis, Food Allergies, Diabetes, and Seizures in School course. In this course, you will learn about these common medical issues students face and how to best support students who suffer from them. We will also take a holistic look at how we [...]

Guidance to Keep Newborn Babies Safe and Healthy (Coursera)

In your previous 2 courses, you learned some medical interventions and skills to keep newborns healthy in the days and weeks after they have been born.  In this course, you will learn some key things that parents will need to do to keep their babies safe and healthy. [...]

The Newborn Assessment (Coursera)

In your previous course, you learned some medical interventions and skills to keep newborns healthy in the days and weeks after they have been born. In this course, you will learn what some additional skills that medical providers do to keep babies healthy. The Newborn Assessment Course [...]

Preventative Healthcare for the Newborn Baby (Coursera)

In this course, you will learn some medical interventions and skills to keep newborns healthy in the days and weeks after they have been born. We’ll tell you about medicines like Vitamin K and erythromycin and how they can prevent serious illnesses. We’ll also introduce screening tests [...]

Newborn Capstone (Coursera)

Congratulations! You progressed your way through all four of the Newborn Baby Care courses, each with their own focal points on the many dimensions of maintaining newborn health in the first month of life. Now we arrive at a crucial part of your learning –the Newborn Baby Care Capstone- [...]

Supporting Parents of a Newborn Baby (Coursera)

In this course, you will learn some core components in supporting parents of newborn babies. The Supporting Parents of Newborn Babies Course will teach you best practices for what to expect in the newborn exam and how to best support parents, partners, and other caregivers. This course [...]