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Fashion Design (Coursera)

Fashion design is about looking to the future to innovate for today, but it is important to understand the foundation of the design process. In this course, you will learn about technological developments in fashion design, 3D and digital printing, and artisanal design and craftsmanship. You’ll explore building your [...]

Construction Project Management (Coursera)

Construction Project Management introduces you to Project Initiation and Planning. Industry experts join Columbia University professor, Ibrahim Odeh, to give an overview of the construction industry. Professor Odeh teaches the fundamentals of the Project Development Cycle while guest lecturers discuss Lean Project Delivery method and Lean Design Behaviors. [...]

MedTech: Trends and Product Design (FutureLearn)

Explore the product design process of MedTech devices and examine future trends in healthcare technology and the MedTech industry. Learn how innovative medical devices are designed, produced and regulated. Major advances in technology are driving innovation in healthcare. On this course, you will explore the global landscape of medical [...]

High Performance Computer Architecture (Udacity)

The course begins with a lesson on performance measurement, which leads to a discussion on the necessity of performance improvement. Pipelining, the first level of performance refinement, is reviewed. The weaknesses of pipelining will be exposed and explored, and various solutions to these issues will be studied. The student [...]