Medical Device

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MedTech: Trends and Product Design (FutureLearn)

Explore the product design process of MedTech devices and examine future trends in healthcare technology and the MedTech industry. Learn how innovative medical devices are designed, produced and regulated. Major advances in technology are driving innovation in healthcare. On this course, you will explore the global landscape of medical [...]

Medical Technology and Evaluation (Coursera)

Innovations in medical technologies are one of the leading areas of economic growth in the world. Whether new technologies take the form of pharmaceutical, medical device, biotechnology, information technology of some combination of these innovations, the opportunities for both private enterprise and social welfare are substantial. However, these innovations [...]

Healthcare Marketplace (Coursera)

In this course in the Healthcare Marketplace specialization you will identify, define, and describe potential business and public policy solutions to the challenges facing society’s growing demand for health services. Students will master a body of knowledge on the health care sectors major components through reading and reflection. [...]

Operations and Patient Safety for Healthcare IT Staff (Coursera)

Sep 16th 2024
Operations and Patient Safety for Healthcare IT Staff (Coursera)
Course Auditing
Now that you've been introduced to the world of Health IT and the important role played by electronic health records (EHRs), we'll focus on other technologies that play a role in maintaining ongoing operations in healthcare. Telemedicine, patient portals, barcode scanners, printers, and medical devices are just some of [...]

Pharmaceutical and Medical Device Innovations (Coursera)

This course in the Healthcare Marketplace specialization gives the learner an in-depth view of the intellectual property creation that is vital to creating breakthrough technologies. Included is an understanding of the strategy deployed for pricing drugs and new technologies as well as the market sizing exercise to identify [...]

TECH MeD: Transdisciplinary Education for Critical Hacks of Medical Devices (Coursera)

Sep 2nd 2024
TECH MeD: Transdisciplinary Education for Critical Hacks of Medical Devices (Coursera)
Course Auditing
This course seeks to create an informed public, aware of the technical, medical, legal, and ethical issues associated with implantable medical devices. The course features conversations with experts from a variety of relevant fields to discuss the present and future technological, ethical, legal, and social challenges associated with implantable [...]

Clinical Terminology for International and U.S. Students (Coursera)

Understanding the clinical terms and abbreviations commonly used in U.S. hospitals is challenging. Adaptation to clinical language can be difficult for U.S. students entering the clinical area and even more so for international students whose primary language is not English. This course is designed to help both groups of [...]

Circular Strategies for MedTech Suppliers (edX)

Apply theories, tools and best practices needed to design circular products or services for hospitals and other healthcare organizations. Developing or improving medical devices to ensure a continuous supply for an exponentially growing population is a critical factor in making healthcare more sustainable. This course will help you to [...]

Identificación de dispositivos médicos (UDI) (edX)

Self Paced
Identificación de dispositivos médicos (UDI) (edX)
Course Auditing
Dentro de los servicios de salud, existe todo un gran proceso de logística, con el fin que lleguen los insumos a manos del paciente en el momento correcto, en perfecto estado y con la confianza de poder utilizarlo. Para lograrlo, hemos desarrollado un proceso de estandarización que permita generar [...]