Software Engineering

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Software Development Process (Udacity)

In SDP, you will learn how to select and implement the ideal software process for your development project. Through Professor Orso's engaging examples and interviews with industry insiders, you will learn both conceptual and practical aspects of software engineering. The course covers requirements engineering, architecture and design, testing and [...]

Version Control with Git (Udacity)

Self Paced
Version Control with Git (Udacity)
Free Course
Learn to track and manage changes. This course covers the essentials of using the version control system Git. You'll be able to create a new Git repo, commit changes, and review the commit history of an existing repo. You'll also learn how to keep your commits organized using tags [...]

AWS Machine Learning Foundations Course (Udacity)

Self Paced
AWS Machine Learning Foundations Course (Udacity)
Free Course
Learn what machine learning is and the steps involved in building and evaluating models. Gain in demand skills needed at businesses working to solve challenges with AI. Learn the fundamentals of advanced machine learning areas such as computer vision, reinforcement learning, and generative AI. Get hands-on with machine learning [...]

Embedded Systems (Udacity)

The goal of this course is to take a holistic view of the embedded system stack with a focus on processor architectures, instruction sets and the associated advanced compiler optimizations that take advantage of the same. In the 21st century, embedded systems are the systems of future with cellular [...]

DevOps and Software Engineering Capstone Project (edX)

Self Paced
DevOps and Software Engineering Capstone Project (edX)
Course Auditing
In this DevOps Capstone Project, you’ll demonstrate your skills and knowledge gained throughout this program with a real-world inspired hands-on project developing and deploying an application using CI/CD to showcase in your portfolio.

Introducción a la programación en Java: escribiendo buen código (edX)

¡Aprende programación en Java de forma fácil e interactiva y entra en el fascinante mundo de la computación! Este es un curso introductorio para aprender a programar en Java diseñado para enseñar a escribir "buen" código en este lenguaje de programación, entendiendo como "bueno" aquel que es correcto y [...]

Software Engineering Virtual Experience (JP Morgan)

Self Paced
Software Engineering Virtual Experience (JP Morgan)
Free Course
JPMorgan Chase has traders in all the major financial centers and creates a marketplace for asset classes around the globe for our investor clients. You’re going to assist with some development of an alternative way to visualize and analyze share price data for our traders – this will alert [...]

Enterprise Software Lifecycle Management (edX)

Learn the best models, methods and practices for effective lifecycle management for large-scale software. Want to manage software development, but unsure where to begin? This computer science course will teach you the models, methods and practices of software development to make the process manageable and result in high-quality and [...]

Programming Basics (edX)

This course is archived
Programming Basics (edX)
Course Auditing
Learn basic computer programming skills and master the art of writing C/C++ programs to solve real world problems. Basic concepts of computer programming are introduced, starting with the notion of an algorithm. Emphasis is on developing the ability to write programs to solve practical computational [...]