Political Science

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Federalism & Decentralization: Evaluating Africa's Track Record (Coursera)

Sep 25th 2023
Federalism & Decentralization: Evaluating Africa's Track Record (Coursera)
Course Auditing
In this political science course you will learn about the twin concepts of federalism and decentralization. You will develop an understanding of the core ideas that federalism and decentralization rest on, and study the building blocks that make them both work.

Transitology – Pathways to and from Democracy (GCHumanRights)

In this MOOC, academic lecturers in the field of Regime/System Transformation, Quality of Democracy, Elections, and Comparative Politics have been invited to teach, as well as practitioners, data analysts, and policymakers from countries that are currently struggling with the backsliding of democratic institutions and/or are in demanding political regime [...]

Political Geography (Coursera)

Political geography is a discipline concerned with the spatial dimensions of politics. This course is an introduction to the study of political science, international relations and area studies, providing a systemic approach to the spatial dimension of political processes at all levels. It covers their basic elements, including states, [...]

Le droit, est-ce pour moi ? (FUN)

Oct 19th 2021
Le droit, est-ce pour moi ? (FUN)
Free Course
Le Droit vous passionne depuis toujours. C’est cette voie que vous voulez choisir. Mais êtes-vous sûr de ne pas vous tromper ? Comment savoir si les études de vos rêves ne vont pas virer au cauchemar ? Plongez tout de suite au cœur de cet univers fascinant pour les [...]

Level 7 Diploma in Social Sciences (LIBS)

This Level 7 Diploma in Social Sciences is a tuition-free 120 credit programme. The programme is fast track, which can be completed online including the final exam. The self-paced mode allows participants to set their own learning schedule without any restrictions.

US Intelligence and National Security (saylor.org)

Legacy Course
US Intelligence and National Security (saylor.org)
Free Course
The study of United States intelligence and national security operations is an analysis of how the various branches of government work together and, as a check upon each other, how they work to protect and promote American interests at home and abroad.The purpose of this course is to provide [...]

Feminist Politics (saylor.org)

Legacy Course
Feminist Politics (saylor.org)
Free Course
Comprehending the role that feminism has played in identifying, critiquing, and, at times, altering the distribution of political and economic power is integral to understanding democratic citizenship and government. In this course, we will examine the history of feminist thought, beginning in the late eighteenth century and continuing through [...]

Contemporary Political Thought (saylor.org)

Legacy Course
Contemporary Political Thought (saylor.org)
Free Course
The purpose of this course is to provide you with an overview of the major political theorists and their work from the 18th century to the present. Common themes seen in contemporary political thought include governance, property ownership and redistribution, free enterprise, individual liberty, justice, and responsibility for the [...]

American Political Thought (saylor.org)

Legacy Course
American Political Thought (saylor.org)
Free Course
This course will cover American political thought from the nation’s early, formative years as a fledgling republic through the 1960s, exploring the political theories that have shaped its system of governance.

Introduction to Public Administration (saylor.org)

Legacy Course
Introduction to Public Administration (saylor.org)
Free Course
This course will provide you with an overview of the field of public administration, particularly the distinctions that set management of public organizations apart from that of private-sector organizations.