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Robotics: Estimation and Learning (Coursera)

How can robots determine their state and properties of the surrounding environment from noisy sensor measurements in time? In this module you will learn how to get robots to incorporate uncertainty into estimating and learning from a dynamic and changing world. Specific topics that will be covered [...]

Localization: Adapting Digital Content to Local Markets (edX)

Learn what it takes to tailor digital products for international markets through localization. See how translation works in today’s industry. Find out what other steps a localization project entails and how cost, schedule and quality are managed. Want to know how to make your product relevant worldwide? Curious what [...]

Introduction to Internationalization and Localization (edX)

The first MOOC to teach internationalization and localization end to end. Learn how a digital product needs to be designed to be world-ready and how it is getting adapted to the needs of all its international target markets. This introductory course covers all the basics!

Self-Driving Fundamentals: Featuring Apollo (Udacity)

Through this course, you will be able to identify key parts of self-driving cars and get to know Apollo architecture. You will be able to utilize Apollo HD Map, localization, perception, prediction, planning and control, and start the learning path of building a self-driving car.

Localization Essentials (Udacity)

Self Paced
Localization Essentials (Udacity)
Free Course
Making Products Work for Users Worldwide. Localization is the art of adapting a product linguistically and culturally for international users. Although the industry has been around since the 1980s, it has become increasingly important over the past few years as more and more users are getting online and the [...]