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Game Theory (Coursera)

Popularized by movies such as "A Beautiful Mind," game theory is the mathematical modeling of strategic interaction among rational (and irrational) agents. Beyond what we call `games' in common language, such as chess, poker, soccer, etc., it includes the modeling of conflict among nations, political campaigns, competition among firms, [...]

Developing Android Apps with App Inventor (Coursera)

The course will give students hands-on experience in developing interesting Android applications. No previous experience in programming is needed, and the course is suitable for students with any level of computing experience. MIT App Inventor will be used in the course. It is a blocks-based programming tool that allows [...]

A complexidade sensível: Um paralelo entre videogames e arte (Coursera)

Este curso oferece respaldo aos interessados em atuar como desenvolvedores, pesquisadores e docentes na área do jogos, tendo como foco o entendimento destes como partes integrantes da cultura contemporânea e do cenário artístico atual.

Moving, Shooting, and Debugging in GameMaker (Coursera)

This course is the second course in the specialization about learning how to develop video games using GameMaker on Windows or Mac. Why use GameMaker instead of using C# and Unity or C++ and Unreal*? Learning to develop games with GameMaker is much easier than learning to program in [...]

Planning, HUDs, and Spawners in GameMaker (Coursera)

This course is the third course in the specialization about learning how to develop video games using GameMaker on Windows or Mac. Why use GameMaker instead of using C# and Unity or C++ and Unreal*? Learning to develop games with GameMaker is much easier than learning to program in [...]

Making Your First Virtual Reality Game (Coursera)

Virtual Reality is one of the most exciting experiences that technology can give us. The immersion and presence you can have in VR is quite unlike any other medium. Like many others, you are excited about the possibilities of this new medium and want to get started developing your [...]

Historia de las reglas del fútbol en Inglaterra y en Argentina (Coursera)

Apr 29th 2024
Historia de las reglas del fútbol en Inglaterra y en Argentina (Coursera)
Course Auditing
El curso es accesible para todos los aficionados al fútbol ya sean del nivel de un principiante como el de un profesional dado que describe de una manera clara y sencilla cómo se originó el fútbol en Inglaterra en el Siglo XIV y el modo en que se fueron [...]

HTML5 Canvas (Udacity)

Self Paced
HTML5 Canvas (Udacity)
Free Course
From Pixels to Animation! Canvas is an HTML5 element which gives you drawable surface inside your web pages you can control with JavaScript. Powerful enough to use for compositing images and even creating games. In this course, through several sample projects, you’ll learn how to use the canvas; how [...]

Football: More than a Game (FutureLearn)

Nov 7th 2022
Football: More than a Game (FutureLearn)
Course Auditing
Explore the role of football in the world today - including finances, clubs, nations and rivalries - with this free online course. Explore the world of football (soccer), the money, the rivalries, the trends, the past, the present, the men’s game, the woman’s game and the real issues. Whether [...]

An Introduction to Recreational Math: Fun, Games and Puzzles (FutureLearn)

Oct 12th 2020
An Introduction to Recreational Math: Fun, Games and Puzzles (FutureLearn)
Course Auditing
Explore, discover and enjoy 'recreational' math with fellow students, while boosting your creative and deductive thinking skills! Get an introduction to the fun, games and puzzles of recreational math. This course is all about recreational math. During the course you will challenge your brain and have fun while learning [...]