Discrete Mathematics

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Discrete Mathematics (Coursera)

Discrete mathematics forms the mathematical foundation of computer and information science. It is also a fascinating subject in itself. Learners will become familiar with a broad range of mathematical objects like sets, functions, relations, graphs, that are omnipresent in computer science. Perhaps more importantly, they will reach a certain [...]

离散数学概论 Discrete Mathematics Generality (Coursera)

Apr 29th 2024
离散数学概论 Discrete Mathematics Generality (Coursera)
Course Auditing

What is a Proof? (Coursera)

Mathematical thinking is crucial in all areas of computer science: algorithms, bioinformatics, computer graphics, data science, machine learning, etc. In this course, we will learn the most important tools used in discrete mathematics: induction, recursion, logic, invariants, examples, optimality. We will use these tools to answer typical programming questions [...]

Fibonacci Numbers and the Golden Ratio (Coursera)

Learn the mathematics behind the Fibonacci numbers, the golden ratio, and how they are related. These topics are not usually taught in a typical math curriculum, yet contain many fascinating results that are still accessible to an advanced high school student. The course culminates in an explanation of why [...]

Discrete Math and Analyzing Social Graphs (Coursera)

The main goal of this course is to introduce topics in Discrete Mathematics relevant to Data Analysis. We will start with a brief introduction to combinatorics, the branch of mathematics that studies how to count. Basics of this topic are critical for anyone working in Data Analysis or Computer [...]

Discrete Mathematics B (UNINETTUNO)

Self Paced Course - Start anytime
Discrete Mathematics B (UNINETTUNO)
Free Course
The course gives an introduction to discrete mathematical techniques and their applications.