Discrete Probability

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Introducción a Ciencias de Datos y Estadística Básica para Negocios (edX)

En este curso adquirirás los métodos estadísticos para la toma de decisiones en los negocios, así como herramientas tecnológicas para desarrollar habilidades cuantitativas. Áreas como el “big data” requieren un conocimiento muy claro de la estadística; en las áreas de negocios, la tecnología pone a nuestro alcance diversas aplicaciones [...]

Discrete Math and Analyzing Social Graphs (Coursera)

The main goal of this course is to introduce topics in Discrete Mathematics relevant to Data Analysis. We will start with a brief introduction to combinatorics, the branch of mathematics that studies how to count. Basics of this topic are critical for anyone working in Data Analysis or Computer [...]

Introduction to Data Science and Basic Statistics for Business (edX)

In this course you will acquire statistical methods for decision making in business, as well as technological tools to develop quantitative skills. Areas such as " big data" require very clear knowledge of statistics and business, technology provides us various applications that require solid training in statistics for proper [...]