Computer Architecture

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How Computers Work: Demystifying Computation (edX)

Self Paced
How Computers Work: Demystifying Computation (edX)
Course Auditing
Explore the fundamentals of computing: computer architecture, binary logic, data processing, circuits & more. On this course, you’ll gain an understanding of how computers work at a fundamental level.

Energy Efficient Programming (openHPI)

Mar 27th 2023
Energy Efficient Programming (openHPI)
Free Course
Efficiency in computer science often refers to the runtime or memory usage, that a certain algorithm needs to produce an output. However, efficiency can also describe the amount of energy, that is consumed by the hardware during the runtime of an algorithm. This course explains the relevant computer architecture [...]

High Performance Computer Architecture (Udacity)

The course begins with a lesson on performance measurement, which leads to a discussion on the necessity of performance improvement. Pipelining, the first level of performance refinement, is reviewed. The weaknesses of pipelining will be exposed and explored, and various solutions to these issues will be studied. The student [...]

Fundamentals of Parallelism on Intel Architecture (Coursera)

This course will introduce you to the multiple forms of parallelism found in modern Intel architecture processors and teach you the programming frameworks for handling this parallelism in applications. You will get access to a cluster of modern manycore processors (Intel Xeon Phi architecture) for experiments with graded [...]

Computer Architecture (edX)

Self Paced
Computer Architecture (edX)
Course Auditing
This course in computer architecture will take you from an understanding of digital design using combinational logic and synchronous sequential building blocks to building your own single-cycle multicycle, and pipelined microprocessors.

How Computers Work: Demystifying Computation (FutureLearn)

Explore the fundamentals of computing - computer architecture, binary logic, data processing, circuits, and more. Understand computation, the basis of every computer system. On this course, you’ll gain an understanding of how computers work at a fundamental level.

Redes de computadores (edX)

Aprende los fundamentos de las redes de computadores, incluyendo su arquitectura, protocolos y los aspectos a considerar para hacerlas seguras. Las redes de computadores, o renombradas hoy en día como Networks of Things , son esenciales para soportar los servicios de Internet que usamos a diario, dado que soportan [...]

Fondamenti di informatica (Federica Web Learning)

Il mondo moderno è sempre più dipendente dall’Informatica e conoscerne i fondamenti e le relative applicazioni risulta essenziale per comprendere il funzionamento degli attuali Sistemi di Elaborazione delle Informazioni, oramai diffusi nei contesti più disparati ed imprescindibili per molte delle attività della nostra vita quotidiana. Il corso di Fondamenti [...]

Computer Architecture (UNINETTUNO)

The Course gives an overview on the Computers Architecture and has the objective of explain how they works with focus on the x86 architecture.