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Advanced Bayesian Statistics Using R (edX)

Now that you know the basics of Bayesian inference, dive deeper to explore its richness and flexibility more fully. Let’s take a closer look at modeling latent variables, Bayesian model averaging, generalised linear models, and MCMC methods. Advanced Bayesian Data Analysis Using R is part two of the Bayesian [...]

Mathematical and Computational Methods (edX)

Jan 14th 2024
Mathematical and Computational Methods (edX)
Course Auditing
Physicists use math all of the time in nearly everything that they work on. This course will help you understand how math is interconnected and recognize that math involves a handful of simple ideas that repeat. By the end of the course, you will be able to re-derive important [...]

Probability and Statistics I: A Gentle Introduction to Probability (edX)

This course provides an introduction to basic probability concepts. Our emphasis is on applications in science and engineering, with the goal of enhancing modeling and analysis skills for a variety of real-world problems. In order to make the course completely self-contained (and to bring back long-lost memories), we’ll start [...]

Mathematical Techniques for Problem Solving in Engineering and Science (edX)

Learn fundamental mathematical techniques from Linear Algebra and Calculus used in STEM domains, critically reflect on these through pertinent examples, and practice the concepts with the use of applets and exercises.

Calculus I: From Functions to Differential Equations (edX)

Refresh and review your bachelor-level calculus. This course covers all the various differentiation and integration techniques and guides you through several important methods for solving differential equations. A strong foundation in mathematics is critical for success in all science and engineering disciplines. Whether you want to make a strong [...]

Calculus II: Multivariable Functions (edX)

This course provides an overview of bachelor-level calculus of multivariable functions (Calculus II). You will review many basic concepts related to differentiation and integration of multivariable functions. A strong foundation in mathematics is critical for success in all science and engineering disciplines. Whether you want to make a strong [...]

Pre-University Calculus (edX)

Prepare for Introductory Calculus courses. Mathematics is the language of Science, Engineering and Technology. Calculus is an elementary Mathematical course in any Science and Engineering Bachelor. Pre-university Calculus will prepare you for the Introductory Calculus courses by revising four important mathematical subjects that are assumed to be mastered by [...]

Calculus 1C: Coordinate Systems & Infinite Series (edX)

Feb 15th 2023
Calculus 1C: Coordinate Systems & Infinite Series (edX)
Course Auditing
Master the calculus of curves and coordinate systems; approximate functions with polynomials and infinite series. Part 3 of 3. How did Newton describe the orbits of the planets? To do this, he created calculus. But he used a different coordinate system more appropriate for planetary motion. We [...]

Cálculo Diferencial (edX)

Self Paced
Cálculo Diferencial (edX)
Course Auditing
El Cálculo marca una diferencia en la formación y capacidad de una persona para utilizar las matemáticas en otras ciencias y la ingeniería. Podemos afirmar sin temor a equivocarnos que un buen curso de Cálculo amplía la visión del estudiante en su campo y en su área de estudio.

Principles of Economics with Calculus (edX)

Quantitative and model-based introduction to basic ideas in economics, and applications to a wide range of real world problems. This course provides a quantitative and model-based introduction to basic economic principles, and teaches how to apply them to make sense of a wide range of real world problems. [...]