Bayesian Statistics Using R Professional Certificate

What you will learn:
- Bayes’ Theorem. Differences between classical (frequentist) and Bayesian inference.
- Posterior inference: summarizing posterior distributions, credible intervals, posterior probabilities, posterior predictive distributions and data visualization.
- Gamma-poisson, beta-binomial and normal conjugate models for data analysis.
- Bayesian regression analysis and analysis of variance (ANOVA).
- Use of simulations for posterior inference. Simple applications of Markov chain-Monte Carlo (MCMC) methods and their implementation in R.
- Bayesian cluster analysis.
- Model diagnostics and comparison.
- Make sure to answer the actual research question rather than “apply methods to the data”
- Using latent (unobserved) variables and dealing with missing data.
- Multivariate analysis within the context of mixed effects linear regression models. Structure, assumptions, diagnostics and interpretation. Posterior inference and model selection.
- Why Monte Carlo integration works and how to implement your own MCMC Metropolis-Hastings algorithm in R.
- Bayesian model averaging in the context of change-point problem. Pinpointing the time of change and obtaining uncertainty estimates for it.

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Advanced Bayesian Statistics Using R (edX)

Now that you know the basics of Bayesian inference, dive deeper to explore its richness and flexibility more fully. Let’s take a closer look at modeling latent variables, Bayesian model averaging, generalised linear models, and MCMC methods. Advanced Bayesian Data Analysis Using R is part two of the Bayesian [...]

Introduction to Bayesian Statistics Using R (edX)

Learn the fundamentals of Bayesian approach to data analysis, and practice answering real life questions using R. Basics of Bayesian Data Analysis Using R is part one of the Bayesian Data Analysis in R professional certificate. Bayesian approach is becoming increasingly popular in all fields of data analysis, including [...]