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Acessibilidade Web: por Onde Começar (NAU)

Construa estratégias para criar e disponibilizar conteúdo acessível nas páginas web. Acessibilidade Web: Por Onde Começar faz uma introdução à regulamentação da acessibilidade web, fornecendo uma perspetiva histórica, quer no panorama mundial, quer em Portugal, e uma clarificação das diretrizes de acessibilidade para conteúdo web [...]

Create Accessible Interfaces (FutureLearn)

Learn how to program inclusive, creative interfaces for disabled users while meeting legal accessibility requirements. Discover how to program interfaces that work for disabled users. Accessibility is a requirement laid out by EU and UK government legislation.

Accessibilité numérique (FUN)

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Accessibilité numérique (FUN)
Free Course
Ce MOOC (session 3) est un cours généraliste d'introduction à l'accessibilité numérique tant en termes de problématique générale que de présentation d'éléments de réponse concrets.

Transport systems and transport policy: An introduction (Hasselt University)

This course is aimed at introducing the student to the transport system (the factors that drive this system), the impact the transport system has on accessibility, safety and the environment, and transport policy making and evaluations.

Administering School ICT infrastructure: developing your knowledge and skills (European Schoolnet)

This course brings ICT together administrators to hear about current practices and new developments, to learn from each other and to reflect on their work through a mix of over 20 specially commissioned video case studies produced by practitioners, live webinars with expert input, and stimulating, enjoyable and relevant [...]

Accessibility: Designing and Teaching Courses for All Learners (Canvas Network)

Gain a better understanding of accessibility as a civil rights issue and develop the knowledge and skills you need to design learning experiences that promote inclusive learning environments.