Ashwin Aravindakshan

Associate Professor Ashwin Aravindakshan’s research interests center on learning how brands can better allocate their advertising resources (e.g., budgets, creatives, etc.) across different regions and/or multiple media over time. In addition to studying such dynamic advertising models, his research also investigates the dynamics of customer behavior and loyalty to help managers devise better communication and targeting policies in order to optimize their marketing mix at the individual level. His research expertise can be classified in marketing problems that deal with advertising allocation and attribution models, direct to consumer marketing, dynamics of customer behavior and loyalty, time series analysis in marketing, dynamic advertising models, and spatiotemporal models His research has been published in multiple journals including Marketing Science, Operations Research, Management Science, Journal of Marketing Research and Marketing Letters, among others. He teaches courses in Marketing Management, Customer Relationship Management, and New Product Development. Aravindakshan received his Ph.D. in business administration with a specialization in marketing from the Robert H. Smith School of Business at the University of Maryland in 2007, and a BTech in aerospace engineering from the Indian Institute of Technology in 2001.
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Research Report: Delivering Insights (Coursera)

You have completed all the hard work of conducting your internal, secondary, and primary research. You have analyzed all the data and are able to formulate insights and recommendations based on your research proposal. But what is the best way to present your findings and be able to make [...]