Statistics & Data Analysis

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Julia Scientific Programming (Coursera)

This four-module course introduces users to Julia as a first language. Julia is a high-level, high-performance dynamic programming language developed specifically for scientific computing. This language will be particularly useful for applications in physics, chemistry, astronomy, engineering, data science, bioinformatics and many more. [...]

Introduction to Data Analysis Using Excel (Coursera)

The use of Excel is widespread in the industry. It is a very powerful data analysis tool and almost all big and small businesses use Excel in their day to day functioning. This course is designed to give you a working knowledge of Excel with the aim of getting [...]

Estadística aplicada a los negocios (Coursera)

La toma de decisiones está en la esencia de los negocios. Gerenciar es tomar decisiones, muchas veces bajo presión, con información desordenada y en un contexto de incertidumbre. Un aspecto básico es entender y analizar la información, organizar los datos de forma de facilitar su posterior uso y la [...]

Introduction to Data Science in Python (Coursera)

This course will introduce the learner to the basics of the python programming environment, including fundamental python programming techniques such as lambdas, reading and manipulating csv files, and the numpy library. The course will introduce data manipulation and cleaning techniques using the popular python pandas data science library and [...]

Introduction to Data Analytics for Business (Coursera)

This course will expose you to the data analytics practices executed in the business. We will explore such key areas of data analytics as the analytical process, how data is created, stored, and accessed, and how the organization works with data and creates the environment in which analytics can [...]

Bayesian Statistics: From Concept to Data Analysis (Coursera)

This course introduces the Bayesian approach to statistics, starting with the concept of probability and moving to the analysis of data. We will learn about the philosophy of the Bayesian approach as well as how to implement it for common types of data. We will compare the Bayesian approach [...]

Machine Learning: Clustering & Retrieval (Coursera)

Case Studies: Finding Similar Documents. A reader is interested in a specific news article and you want to find similar articles to recommend. What is the right notion of similarity? Moreover, what if there are millions of other documents? Each time you want to a retrieve a new document, [...]

Big Data Modeling and Management Systems (Coursera)

Once you’ve identified a big data issue to analyze, how do you collect, store and organize your data using Big Data solutions? In this course, you will experience various data genres and management tools appropriate for each. You will be able to describe the reasons behind the evolving plethora [...]

Linear Regression and Modeling (Coursera)

This course introduces simple and multiple linear regression models. These models allow you to assess the relationship between variables in a data set and a continuous response variable. Is there a relationship between the physical attractiveness of a professor and their student evaluation scores? Can we predict the test [...]