Medicine & Pharmacology

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Causes of Human Disease: Transmitting and Fighting Infection (FutureLearn)

Learn how pathogens cause infectious diseases, how these diseases are transmitted and how our immune system respond to infection. Most of us have experienced common diseases like flu or less common ones like pneumonia. On this course, you’ll learn how pathogens cause infectious diseases and how these diseases are [...]

Discovering Science: Medicinal Chemistry (FutureLearn)

Sep 4th 2023
Discovering Science: Medicinal Chemistry (FutureLearn)
Course Auditing
What role does chemistry play in healthcare and our ability to diagnose and treat patients? Discover how chemotherapy has evolved, and some of the breakthroughs and developments chemists have made in the fight against cancer over the last 10 years. Diagnostic imaging examines how scientists learn about, and treat, [...]

Exploring Anatomy: The Human Abdomen (FutureLearn)

Explore the anatomy of the human abdomen and appreciate its clinical importance. You will be introduced to the human abdomen and its many complex structures through stimulating discussions on common surgical scenarios and current research. Each week, we will focus on a specific area of the abdomen; starting at [...]

Introduction to Pharmacology (edX)

Self Paced
Introduction to Pharmacology (edX)
Course Auditing
This pharmacology course will explore the mechanism of action of pharmaceutical drugs on a molecular level. We will delve into various drug classes and decipher how they affect systems within the human body.

Cannabis Processing (edX)

This course will examine all processing and refinement methods of cannabis, including marijuana and hemp. Students will learn about extraction methods, distillation techniques, and purification methods.

Foundations for Global Health Responders (Coursera)

Around the world, we are increasingly socially and economically interdependent. Health on one side of the globe affects people on the other. Global health, once merely an ethical consideration, now dominates discussions and policies of global security. A diverse team of experts in this emerging field has come together [...]

Fighting COVID-19 with Epidemiology: A Johns Hopkins Teach-Out (Coursera)

This free Teach-Out is for anyone who has been curious about how we identify and measure outbreaks like the COVID-19 epidemic and wants to understand the epidemiology of these infections. The COVID-19 epidemic has made many people want to understand the science behind pressing questions like: "How many people [...]

Human Anatomy: Musculoskeletal Cases (edX)

Learn the anatomy basic to understanding five musculoskeletal injuries commonly seen in primary care medicine and orthopedic clinical specialty practice. Follow hypothetical patients from injury to operating room. Human Anatomy: Musculoskeletal Cases invites students to join medical and basic science faculty at Harvard Medical School (HMS) to learn about [...]

Bioethics: The Law, Medicine, and Ethics of Reproductive Technologies and Genetics (edX)

An introduction to the study of bioethics and the application of legal and ethical reasoning. Bioethics provides an overview of the legal, medical, and ethical questions around reproduction and human genetics and how to apply legal reasoning to these questions.

The Challenges of Global Health (Coursera)

What are the world’s major health challenges? What contributes to them? What can we do to improve health outcomes and reduce health disparities? Whether you are new to Global Health, want to take a refresher course, or want to sample Global Health before undertaking undergraduate or graduate [...]