Eng: Electronics

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Introduction to Power Electronics (Coursera)

This course introduces the basic concepts of switched-mode converter circuits for controlling and converting electrical power with high efficiency. Principles of converter circuit analysis are introduced, and are developed for finding the steady state voltages, current, and efficiency of power converters. Assignments include simulation of a dc-dc converter, analysis [...]

MOS Transistors (Coursera)

Learn how MOS transistors work, and how to model them. The understanding provided in this course is essential not only for device modelers, but also for designers of high-performance circuits.

Electrónica Digital Bit a Bit: Diseñando circuitos complejos (Coursera)

Los circuitos digitales más complejos como memorias y procesadores, que contienen millones de transistores gracias a su reducido tamaño, pueden ser divididos en circuitos más simples ya conocidos para facilitar su diseño e implementación. Lo mismo podemos realizar utilizando Verilog para diseñar circuitos digitales complejos que realizan muchas funciones [...]

Electrónica Digital Bit a Bit: Aprendiendo fundamentos (Coursera)

Es desafiante y hasta atemorizante entender un circuito digital cuando observamos la cantidad de transistores que puede contener, y aún más difícil diseñarlo eficientemente para su implementación en un circuito integrado o una FPGA. Sin embargo, saber diseñar circuitos digitales simples nos abre las puertas para diseñar sistemas digitales [...]

Computer Architecture (Coursera)

In this course, you will learn to design the computer architecture of complex modern microprocessors. All the features of this course are available for free. It does not offer a certificate upon completion.

Introduction to the Internet of Things (IoT) (edX)

Gain an understanding of what the IoT is and the requirements to design your own IoT solutions. Start developing IoT ideas in your industry. The Internet of Things (IoT) is expanding at a rapid rate, and it is becoming increasingly important for professionals to understand what it is, how [...]

Principles of Electric Circuits | 电路原理 (edX)

Electricity is almost everywhere. Our civilization involves constant utilization of electricity, and electric circuits are important tools for this. In Principles of Electric Circuits , you will learn sufficient techniques for analyzing and designing circuits.

Arduino para niños ¡vamos al espacio! (edX)

El curso de Arduino está orientado a público infantil y juvenil; los exploradores, es decir, los estudiantes, serán invitados a participar en varias misiones para que una nave espacial llegue a la tierra sana y salva. El explorador deberá completar todas las misiones para lograr el objetivo.

Communicating with Robots and Bots (edX)

Robots and bots are being developed to populate our homes, workplaces and social spaces, as well as the online spaces we frequent. How do people communicate with robots and bots? What does the future hold for human-robot communication and collaboration.

Build your very first iOS app (edX)

Learn how to get started with app development and create your very first iOS app. In this course you will learn the tools, techniques and concepts needed to build a basic iOS app, from scratch. You will be introduced to the Swift programming language and learn how to utilise [...]