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Digital Systems: From Logic Gates to Processors (Coursera)

This course gives you a complete insight into the modern design of digital systems fundamentals from an eminently practical point of view. Unlike other more "classic" digital circuits courses, our interest focuses more on the system than on the electronics that support it. This approach will allow us to [...]

Sistemas Digitales: De las puertas lógicas al procesador (Coursera)

En este curso aprenderemos los fundamentos del diseño de los circuitos digitales actuales, siguiendo una orientación eminentemente práctica. A diferencia de otros cursos más "clásicos" de Circuitos Digitales, nuestro interés se centrará más en el Sistema que en la Electrónica que lo sustenta. Este enfoque nos permitirá sentar las [...]

Hardware Description Languages for FPGA Design (Coursera)

Hardware Description Languages for Logic Design enables students to design circuits using VHDL and Verilog, the most widespread design methods for FPGA Design. It uses natural learning processes to make learning the languages easy. Simple first examples are presented, then language rules and syntax, followed by [...]

Digital design with FPGAs (Coursera)

Welcome to the Digital design with FPGAs course! We are glad to see you as a student of our course! The course will be of interest to a wide audience: undergraduate and graduate students in the field of digital signal processing and the development of digital devices, specialists who [...]

Digital Design with VHDL (Canvas.net)

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Digital Design with VHDL (Canvas.net)
Free Course
This course provides basic knowledge about digital design and implementation using VHDL as the description language, as well as skills in the use of computer-based design and simulation tools.