Social Dynamics

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Network Analysis (Coursera)

People are social entities. They build complex relationships with others around them, form communities and social circles, belong to organizations. Every decision to make a connection to others is based a large variety of variables (called attributes). Every connection, in turn, affects people’s attitudes, behavior, and actions. This relationship [...]

People, Networks and Neighbours: Understanding Social Dynamics (FutureLearn)

Learn why social processes seem so unpredictable and understand better the basics of social dynamics. Explore a new way of approaching questions about social behaviour. This three-week course will help you understand why social processes seem so unpredictable and understand better the basics of social [...]

Despoblación Rural. Problemas y soluciones (edX)

Descubre los procesos de despoblación rural desde múltiples puntos de vista y participa de esta comunidad virtual para intercambiar experiencias que contribuyan a reactivar los territorios rurales. El curso pretende entender los procesos de despoblación rural desde múltiples perspectivas. Se trata de ofrecer un primer conocimiento del diagnóstico, dinámicas [...]

Social Network Analysis: The Networks Connecting People (FutureLearn)

Explore the structure and dynamics of different types of social networks and use models to identify patterns of social influence. Learn how norms, viruses and info spread through social networks. Have you ever wondered how a tiny virus can spread across the planet, how people share false information through [...]