Student Success Specialization

Succeed at learning and boost your career. Gain tools to accomplish your personal, academic, and professional goals.
What you'll learn:
- Increase comfort and confidence with being a learner and communicating with other people.
- Organize concepts for effective learning and communication.
- Develop a plan to overcome current weaknesses in learning, communicating, and stress management .

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Better Writing (Coursera)

Successful learners are able to communicate what they are learning, both verbally and in written formats. This course will provide a review of the basics of writing so that learners can effectively organize, draft, revise, edit, and finalize written informational documents, including school assignments. The course will instruct [...]

Better Learning (Coursera)

Many people report engaging in study habits that are not very effective or very efficient. How do we know what strategies are best? Cognitive psychologists have been doing research to ask this very question for multiple decades. It turns out that many strategies that people report using are not [...]

Less Stress, Better Health (Coursera)

Stress is a natural part of the human experience. However, stress can also be damaging to people’s physical and psychological health. This course provides an introduction to stress in general and then explores the psychological, physiological, and social consequences of stress. It ends with information on how you can [...]