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Introduction to Cognitive Psychology and Neuropsychology (edX)

This course is an introduction to human cognition and how it is explored. You will explore how Psychology was born as a separate discipline and how we began to study the nervous system in terms of functions, abilities and traits linking brain, mind, behavior and relationship with the environment. [...]

Aproximación Neuropsicológica de la Lecto-Escritura en la etapa escolar (edX)

Este curso le brinda a sus participantes elementos conceptuales que ofrece la neuropsicología cognitiva e histórico-cultural para comprender tanto cómo se aprende a leer y escribir en español, así como los problemas más comunes en su adquisición.

Understanding Epilepsy and its Neuropsychology (FutureLearn)

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Understanding Epilepsy and its Neuropsychology (FutureLearn)
Course Auditing
Find out what epilepsy is and what its cognitive and psychosocial consequences are. Understand epilepsy from a biopsychosocial perspective. Epilepsy is a common condition, but how much do you know about the neuropsychology of the disorder? On this course, you will learn about the cognitive and psychosocial deficits that [...]

Mente e cervello: dalla neuropsicologia alle neuroscienze cognitive (Federica Web Learning)

Il nostro cervello ci permette di muoverci e di percepire l'ambiente che ci circonda, ma anche di parlare, di leggere e scrivere, di prestare attenzione, di vivere ricordi ed emozioni. Fin dall'antichità ci si è chiesto come queste funzioni "mentali" possano emergere dal funzionamento cerebrale.

Neuropsychology (

Legacy Course
Neuropsychology (
Free Course
How does the brain function? How does it interact with the body in order to control and mediate behaviors and actions? Though psychologists have long studied these questions, the workings of the brain remain, in large part, a mystery. In this course, we will explore the field of psychology [...]

Clinical Psychology (

Legacy Course
Clinical Psychology (
Free Course
This course will cover the basic concepts of clinical psychology, or the study of diagnosing, treating, and understanding abnormal and maladaptive behaviors. We frequently refer to these behaviors—which include depression, anxiety, and schizophrenia—as mental diseases or disorders.