Logo Design

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Comercialice su nuevo negocio con Canva (Coursera)

Al final de este proyecto, usted habrá aprendido a comercializar y anunciar su nuevo negocio usando Canva. Usted creará un logotipo de la empresa, una tarjeta de presentación y un folleto usando Canva. Crearemos diseños desde cero y usaremos plantillas que modificaremos. Usted podrá incorporar un esquema [...]

UX Web Design: Build User-Centric Websites (Coursera)

Sep 30th 2024
UX Web Design: Build User-Centric Websites (Coursera)
Course Auditing
Welcome to UX Web Design: Build User-Centric Websites. Jumpstart your journey in UX design with this course, blending theory and practice to teach you the essentials. Learn key UX principles, align products with user needs, and dive into user research to craft intuitive and engaging digital experiences. Gain hands-on [...]

Crea logos para comercializar tu negocio con Canva (Coursera)

Al final de este proyecto usted creará una variedad de logos exclusivos, que podrá usar para comercializar su negocio. Estos logos los podrá incluir por ejemplo en bolsas de regalo. Usted podrá incorporar un esquema de colores, imágenes y otros elementos estéticos de diseño aplicables para productos comercializables. Este [...]

Create Logos with Meaning: Type as Shape (Skillshare)

Self Paced
Create Logos with Meaning: Type as Shape (Skillshare)
Free Course
Learn how to transform your logo into clever, double meaning designs by incorporating typography. In this class, you'll learn how to manipulate type to create logo designs that are loaded with meaning. Learn how companies like FedEx, Goodwill, and many others have learned to think about design, and begin [...]

Design A Rocket Logo! Practice Your Logo Design Skills (Skillshare)

Self Paced
Design A Rocket Logo! Practice Your Logo Design Skills (Skillshare)
Free Course
Do you want to learn how to create a logo that is out of this world? In this class we will put together a logo in Adobe Illustrator that will help you practice and develop and fine tune your vector skills. We will practice using the shape builder tool [...]

Design Basics: Sketching for Design (Skillshare)

Self Paced
Design Basics: Sketching for Design (Skillshare)
Free Course
Sketching is a critical part of the design process. But many people skip sketching because they are intimidated by it or they think it will be faster not to do it. The truth is that you design better and faster when you sketch. Even if you are uncomfortable sketching [...]

How to design a logo with golden Ratio (Skillshare)

Self Paced
How to design a logo with golden Ratio (Skillshare)
Free Course
How to design a logo with golden Ratio. Many designers search for a good tutorial about golden ratio and how to use it in logo design, I was searching for this before and I found a hard time to find some good resources but there is never the good [...]

Wie designe ich meine eigene Homepage? (openHPI)

Du bist ein Weltenbummler und möchtest deine Erfahrungen und Fotos auf einer eigenen Homepage teilen? Du informierst dich in Fashionblogs über die neuesten Trends und überlegst in einem eigenen Blog deine persönlichen Lieblingsstücke zu präsentieren? Oder hast du ein anderes cooles Hobby und würdest gerne alle Infos dazu auf [...]

Logo Design Course for Beginners (Eduonix)

The moment you see the big yellow M (McDonalds) or a blue bird (Twitter), you know exactly which companies these belong to. Logos play a huge role when it comes to establishing a brand identity, as it stands in the place of the company name. This is the reason [...]