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Digital Skills: Artificial Intelligence (FutureLearn)

Discover the ability of artificial intelligence to transform your everyday life and reshape the way you work. Identify the skills you will need to work with AI in the future. Artificial intelligence (AI) is used in many businesses to improve the way employees work. On this course, you will [...]

The Industry and Profession in Construction Management (edX)

Learn the different sectors of the industry and the profession by looking at the nature of the industry, future trends, and opportunities. Understand the different sectors of the industry and the role of each participant, specifically the Owner, Designer, and Construction Manager.

Sustainable Development Goal 9: Industry, Innovation & Infrastructure (CanopyLAB)

Self Paced
Sustainable Development Goal 9: Industry, Innovation & Infrastructure (CanopyLAB)
Free Course
Goal 9: Industry, Innovation & Infrastructure covers a wide range of topics that encompass us. Think about all the clothes, food, and other products that you use, or the highways, airports and other transportation systems, or the infrastructure that delivers the internet to your home. At the same time, [...]

Hands on Industrie 4.0 (

Das Internet der Dinge zieht in die Fabrik. Wir befinden uns am Beginn der vierten industriellen Revolution – Industrie 4.0. Sie wandelt nicht nur die Produktionslogik, sondern fordert auch die Geschäftsmodelle vieler deutscher Unternehmen heraus. Aus Wertschöpfungsketten werden Wertschöpfungsnetzwerke, intelligente Produkte werden zu Plattformen für innovative Dienstleistungen, Produktionsprozesse und [...]

Effects of Radiation: An Introduction to Radiation and Radioactivity (edX)

There are many practical applications of radiation and radioactivity in various fields, including medical, scientific, and industrial activities. In some parts of Japan, people continue to experience environmental radioactivity caused by the nuclear accident at the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant on a daily basis. Understanding the basic science [...]

SAP Business Suite (openSAP)

Business Suite software comprises a set of fully integrated applications such as SAP ERP, SAP CRM, SAP SCM, and SAP SRM that enable enterprises to run their core business operations more efficiently. It provides end-to-end process support for areas such as customer engagement, finance, human resources, manufacturing, procurement, logistics, [...]