Tracy Jennings

Tracy Jennings is a Senior Instructor in the Management and Entrepreneurship Division at CU where she teaches courses in management and leads global seminars in China. She holds a B.A. from Williams College, and an MBA and PhD in Cognitive Psychology, both from the University of Denver. Dr. Jennings began her career at IBM as a usability specialist. Later she took on New Product Development leadership roles at US WEST, focusing on internet service development.

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Fornire un feedback utile (Coursera)

Questo corso vi insegna i semplici principi che usano i manager esperti per migliorare e motivare le prestazioni dei dipendenti. Non dovete mai evitare di dire a un dipendente "la verità" di nuovo, perché le sette tecniche che insegnamo non metteranno i dipendenti alla difensiva né li spaventeranno. Come [...]

Giving Helpful Feedback (Coursera)

This course teaches you the simple principles expert managers use to improve and motivate employee performance. You’ll never have to avoid telling an employee “the truth” again, because the seven techniques we teach will not make employees defensive or afraid. As a manager, or someone who would like to [...]