Resume Writing for Marketing & Advertising Entry-Level Jobs (Skillshare)

Resume Writing for Marketing & Advertising Entry-Level Jobs (Skillshare)
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Resume Writing for Marketing & Advertising Entry-Level Jobs (Skillshare)
In less than an hour, you'll learn how to write a highly-effective resume for marketing and advertising jobs. You see step-by-step instructions for building a resume that can get you into interviews for the jobs you want.

MOOC List is learner-supported. When you buy through links on our site, we may earn an affiliate commission.

An amazing resume is the first step in getting your dream job. Many employers require that you submit a resume with your initial application, and they use that resume to decide if you make it through to the next step in the hiring process. That’s why getting your resume right is so important.

In this course, you'll see how to build each section of your resume including your contact information, work experience, education, and more.

You'll also see how to use key words and formatting techniques that employers will love.


✔️ How to get your resume through the screening software that most employers use

✔️ How to write a resume that will appeal to both computers and humans

✔️ How to include the most relevant key words on your resumes

✔️ How to format your resume so your most relevant information is easy to find

✔️ How to customize your resume to match each job opportunity


✔️ Beginner to intermediate level

✔️ For people who have limited experience writing resumes


✔️ Write resumes that will get you selected for job interviews

✔️ Use key word stuffing techniques to give your resume a competitive advantage

✔️ Identify and leverage relevant skills and experiences to feature on your resume

✔️ Avoid making mistakes that lead to your resume being rejected

Assignment: Build your resume using the attached format.

Complete the following sections of your resume:

1. Contact Information

2. Summary Section

3. Experience Section

4. Education Section

5. Additional Information

Proofread your resume to ensure there are not typos, formatting inconsistencies, or other errors. Then submit your resume to a potential employer. Repeat this process until you get the job you want.

MOOC List is learner-supported. When you buy through links on our site, we may earn an affiliate commission.

Free Course

MOOC List is learner-supported. When you buy through links on our site, we may earn an affiliate commission.