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Mandarin Chinese for Business (edX)

Learn common Mandarin Chinese business phrases and understand Chinese culture so you can communicate professionally in the largest market in the world. Take the next step in learning Mandarin Chinese and expand your language skills so you can effectively communicate in Chinese business. In this language training course, you [...]

中國人文經典導讀 (Coursera)

本課程對象為對中國文化有興趣的同學。 課程目的為通過四個不同特色的主題,討論中國文化的四個主要面向。每個主題選取兩篇經典文本作為核心閱讀,並與延伸閱讀做互文探討,以新角度解讀經典文本的意義,展現中國文化的複雜性、多元性。文本難度與大學一年級國文程度相當。

An Introduction to Chinese Sign Language and Linguistics (FutureLearn)

Get to grips with Chinese sign language (CSL), sign language linguistics and deaf culture. Learn the basics of Chinese sign language and sign language linguistics. This comprehensive four-week course from the Shanghai International Studies University (SISU) provides you with basic knowledge of Chinese sign language (CSL), sign language linguistics, [...]

Introduction to Mao Zedong Thought | 毛泽东思想概论 (edX)

Self Paced
Introduction to Mao Zedong Thought | 毛泽东思想概论 (edX)
Course Auditing
Mao Zedong founded the People's Republic of China in 1949, but who was he and how did his theories, strategies and policies shape modern China? 毛泽东思想是中国共产党治国理政的指南针、显微镜和望远镜。本课程将带你探索这些政治理论的来龙去脉、微言大义和现实影响等。

文物精品与文化中国:文字与乐礼 | Relics of Chinese History - Part 3: Writing System, Rites and Music (edX)

Discover how writing systems and music played a major role in Chinese history through the study of artifacts and relics. 本课程以精品文物作引子,将学术界探索中华文明的过程作为线索,介绍古代中国在造船、玉器等诸多领域的杰出成就

文物精品与文化中国:天文与医药 | Relics of Chinese History - Part 2: Astronomy and Medicine (edX)

Discover how Astronomy and Medicine impacted the history of China as we use artifacts and relics as a guide to Chinese civilization. 本课程以精品文物作引子,将学术界探索中华文明的过程作为线索,介绍古代中国在造船、玉器等诸多领域的杰出成就

文物精品与文化中国:农业与制造业 | Relics in Chinese History - Part 1: Agriculture and Manufacturing (edX)

Self Paced
文物精品与文化中国:农业与制造业 | Relics in Chinese History - Part 1: Agriculture and Manufacturing (edX)
Course Auditing
Discover manufacturing and agriculture’s role in the history of China as we explore Chinese culture through artifacts and relics. 本课程以精品文物作引子,将学术界探索中华文明的过程作为线索,介绍古代中国在造船、玉器等诸多领域的杰出成就

Epidemics I (edX)

Explore the science, prevention and control of epidemics in this free online course. In addition to lectures by leading scientists in this field from HKU, this course will feature a supplementary module on COVID-19 and panel discussions with world-leading experts in epidemics.

Structural Equation Model and its Applications | 结构方程模型及其应用 (普通话) (Coursera)


Development in Emerging Economies: The Case of China (edX)

Curious about China's development and the Chinese market but haven't known where to start? Peking University brings you an easy-to-understand primer. Guanghua's professors will unpack China's development over five weeks, first giving an overview of China's economic growth as context before addressing private equity, real estate financing, banking, the [...]