Eng: Electronics

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Internet of Things: Setting Up Your DragonBoard™ Development Platform (Coursera)

Do you want to develop skills to prototype mobile-enabled products using state-of-the-art technologies? In this course you will build a hardware and software development environment to guide your journey through the Internet of Things specialization courses. We will use the DragonBoard™ 410c single board computer (SBC). [...]

Internet of Things: Sensing and Actuation From Devices (Coursera)

Have you wondered how information from physical devices in the real world gets communicated to Smartphone processors? Do you want to make informed design decisions about sampling frequencies and bit-width requirements for various kinds of sensors? Do you want to gain expertise to affect the real world with actuators [...]

Electrones en Acción: Electrónica y Arduinos para tus propios Inventos (Coursera)

Este curso introduce al alumno a la electrónica y los Arduinos, comenzando desde lo más básico de un circuito eléctrico y finalizando con el diseño de circuitos de baja complejidad empleando dispositivos electrónicos programables. Durante el curso los alumnos aprenderán los fundamentos básicos de la electricidad y de la [...]

Magnetics for Power Electronic Converters (Coursera)

This course covers the analysis and design of magnetic components, including inductors and transformers, used in power electronic converters. The course starts with an introduction to physical principles behind inductors and transformers, including the concepts of inductance, core material saturation, airgap and energy storage in inductors, reluctance and magnetic [...]

Converter Control (Coursera)

This course teaches how to design a feedback system to control a switching converter. The equivalent circuit models derived in the previous courses are extended to model small-signal ac variations. These models are then solved, to find the important transfer functions of the converter and its regulator system. Finally, [...]

Converter Circuits (Coursera)

This course introduces more advanced concepts of switched-mode converter circuits. Realization of the power semiconductors in inverters or in converters having bidirectional power flow is explained. Power diodes, power MOSFETs, and IGBTs are explained, along with the origins of their switching times. Equivalent circuit models are refined to include [...]

Optique non-linéaire (Coursera)

May 6th 2024
Optique non-linéaire (Coursera)
Course Auditing
Introduction à l'optique non-linéaire, qui correspond au régime d'interaction laser-matière que l'on peut explorer à l'aide de lasers intenses, comme par exemple les lasers femtosecondes.

Introduction to Power Electronics (Coursera)

This course introduces the basic concepts of switched-mode converter circuits for controlling and converting electrical power with high efficiency. Principles of converter circuit analysis are introduced, and are developed for finding the steady state voltages, current, and efficiency of power converters. Assignments include simulation of a dc-dc converter, analysis [...]

MOS Transistors (Coursera)

Learn how MOS transistors work, and how to model them. The understanding provided in this course is essential not only for device modelers, but also for designers of high-performance circuits.

Electrónica Digital Bit a Bit: Diseñando circuitos complejos (Coursera)

Los circuitos digitales más complejos como memorias y procesadores, que contienen millones de transistores gracias a su reducido tamaño, pueden ser divididos en circuitos más simples ya conocidos para facilitar su diseño e implementación. Lo mismo podemos realizar utilizando Verilog para diseñar circuitos digitales complejos que realizan muchas funciones [...]