École Polytechnique

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Seismology to Earthquake Engineering (Coursera)

This course ranges from the earth structure, the generation of earthquakes and seismic waves by faults to the seismic response of soils, foundations and structures as well as seismic risk. It is consequently aimed at undergraduates, graduates and professionals interested in engineering seismology, earthquake engineering or seismic risk. It [...]

Digital Business - Capstone project (Coursera)

LVMH! Huawei! Energysquare! Three companies in very different industries: luxury goods, telecommunications, energy. Three companies with very different sizes, histories and DNA. And yet, they all share the same objective: to innovate and change, and so to remain or become leaders in their respective markets. The multiple questions that [...]

Digital business - Act on the digital world (Coursera)

Apr 29th 2024
Digital business - Act on the digital world (Coursera)
Course Auditing
The idea that digital technology triggers profound change in companies is largely accepted. There is indeed no question that the digital world is profoundly changing business life. Everyone is now on the same page. But with the digital world come a lot of misconceptions and buzzwords. You can no [...]

Digital business - Grow on digital world (Coursera)

Apr 29th 2024
Digital business - Grow on digital world (Coursera)
Course Auditing
Digital-driven changes are both generic and specific. Most transformations apply to all industries, equally and without exception. But in some industries or places, digital transformations are singular and atypical. To be a player in the digital world, you will need to master both the transformations common to all industries [...]

How to Write and Publish a Scientific Paper (Project-Centered Course) (Coursera)

In this project-based course, you will outline a complete scientific paper, choose an appropriate journal to which you'll submit the finished paper for publication, and prepare a checklist that will allow you to independently judge whether your paper is ready to submit. What you'll need to get started: This [...]

Creating and Developing a Tech Startup (Coursera)

This course will allow you to identify and evaluate opportunities for creating a tech business, and to better understand its principal issues on a human, technical, commercial, environmental and financial level. As such, you will obtain solid foundations either for building your own tech business, or for joining one. [...]

Les deux infinis et nous (Coursera)

Apr 22nd 2024
Les deux infinis et nous (Coursera)
Course Auditing
Partez à la découverte de l'infiniment grand et de l'infiniment petit dans leurs aspects les plus proches de notre quotidien, en compagnie de physiciens et de physiciennes qui vont vous faire découvrir leur présence insoupçonnée dans notre vie de tous les jours. Vous vous initierez à la vie et [...]

Vers l'infiniment grand (Coursera)

Apr 22nd 2024
Vers l'infiniment grand (Coursera)
Course Auditing
Partez à la découverte de l'infiniment grand, en compagnie de physiciens et de physiciennes qui vont vous faire découvrir l'Univers aux distances les plus grandes connues à ce jour et les outils scientifiques utilisés pour l'étudier. Vous comprendrez ce que les scientifiques ont pu apprendre sur l'histoire et la [...]

Vers l'infiniment petit (Coursera)

Apr 22nd 2024
Vers l'infiniment petit (Coursera)
Course Auditing
Partez à la découverte de l'infiniment petit, en compagnie de physiciens et de physiciennes qui vont vous faire découvrir les secrets de la matière quand on l'étudie aux distances les plus courtes, aux énergies les plus élevées. Vous vous initierez aux progrès les plus récents de la recherche en [...]

D'un infini à l'autre (Coursera)

Apr 22nd 2024
D'un infini à l'autre (Coursera)
Course Auditing
Partez à la découverte de l'infiniment petit et de l'infiniment grand, en compagnie de physiciens et de physiciennes qui vont vous faire découvrir les liens entre la structure de la matière aux distances les plus petites et l'organisation de l'Univers aux distances les plus grandes ce jour, et entre [...]