The depth and breadth of electromagnetism, the foundation for many fields including materials science, electrical engineering, and physical chemistry, requires a long, steep, and steady learning curve. This course aims to bridge the gap between the fundamental principles taught in electromagnetism and its practical application to specific fields such [...]
This course gives you access to basic tools and concepts to understand research articles and books on modern quantum optics. You will learn about quantization of light, formalism to describe quantum states of light without any classical analogue, and observables allowing one to demonstrate typical quantum properties of these [...]
Il corso affronta le tematiche dell’elettromagnetismo e dell’ottica partendo dall’applicazione del metodo sperimentale, per prepararsi al meglio all'ingresso all'università.
The course addresses the thematic of electromagnetism and optics, starting with the applications of the experimental method, to better start the academic learning [...]
Trataremos las causas y las leyes de la interacción electromagnética. Veremos el campo eléctrico, el magnético y la inducción magnética. En este curso se investigan las causas y se definen las leyes de la interacción electromagnética.
In this final part of 8.02, we will cover Faraday’s Law, Circuits with Inductors, Maxwell’s equations, and electromagnetic radiation. This introductory Electromagnetism physics course will require the use of calculus. Electricity and Magnetism dominate much of the world around us – from the most fundamental processes in nature to [...]
Curso assente na obtenção e análise de dados experimentais tendo por base duas experiências de eletromagnetismo realizadas com materiais correntes e com recurso ao e-lab (laboratório remoto). O presente curso consiste numa introdução à Física Experimental onde os participantes poderão explorar a análise de dados e tratamento dos erros [...]
Course addresses introductory electricity and magnetism topics including: Electrostatics, Conductors capacitors and dielectrics, Electric circuits, Magnetic fields, and Electromagnetism using calculus.
Il corso esplora gli argomenti di elettromagnetismo classico e di ottica.
La successione degli argomenti è quella tradizionale dell’impostazione didattica italiana e prevede: l’elettrostatica, le correnti elettriche, la magnetostatica, l’elettrodinamica, i fenomeni elettromagnetici nella materia e infine [...]