Design Patterns

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Application Programming Fundamentals (Coursera)

May 6th 2024
Application Programming Fundamentals (Coursera)
Course Auditing
In Object-Oriented Concepts, we will introduce the core concepts behind modern, object-oriented, programming. We will discuss objects, classes, messaging, inheritance, polymorphism, and more. As with Fundamentals of Programming, we will illustrate the concepts using the Python language, but they will be portable to other object-oriented programming languages. [...]

Design Patterns (Coursera)

This course extends object-oriented analysis and design by incorporating design patterns to create interactive applications. Through a survey of established design patterns, learners will gain a foundation for more complex software applications. Finally, learners will identify problematic software designs by referencing a catalog of code smells. You will be [...]

iOS Design Patterns (Udacity)

Self Paced
iOS Design Patterns (Udacity)
Free Course
Common Problems, Common Solutions. In this course, you'll explore popular iOS design patterns — the practical and battle-tested solutions to common problems that are used everyday by professional developers. You'll take a look at architectures and mechanisms that are used for constructing large, complex apps. And, by the end [...]

JavaScript Design Patterns (Udacity)

Self Paced
JavaScript Design Patterns (Udacity)
Free Course
Organizing Code in a Disorganized World. This course covers methods for organizing your code, both conceptually and literally. You’ll learn the importance of separating concerns when writing JavaScript, gaining hands-on experience along the way. Separating concerns can be done with or without an organizational library or framework. We’ll learn [...]

Mastering Agile Software Development and Deployment (edX)

Mastering Agile Software Development Operations & Performance: Teamwork, Design Patterns, Legacy Code, Dev/Ops. Part Three of the Professional Certificate Program in Agile Software Development. This course presents ideas and techniques for designing, developing, and modifying large software systems using Agile techniques and the same best-of-breed tools used by professionals, [...]

Scratchboard: Geometric Animal (Skillshare)

Self Paced
Scratchboard: Geometric Animal (Skillshare)
Free Course
This is a beginner course looking at the application of geometry and pattern, while practicing reductive mark-making techniques on a Scratchboard. Students will be using reference to create a geometric rendition of their animal/ creature of choice. Beginners are recommended to find a reference that is already using geometric [...]

The Ultimate Canva Guide 2019 - How to Create More Professional Graphics with Canva (Skillshare)

Self Paced
The Ultimate Canva Guide 2019 - How to Create More Professional Graphics with Canva (Skillshare)
Free Course
This is a very practical guide to creating pro graphics designs with Canva. Practical from start to finish and you get to know my key sources of design element especially, png transparent images. No fluffs, no long stories, I just show you a few design examples in the shortest [...]

Woodburning An Amazing Owl (Skillshare)

Self Paced
Woodburning An Amazing Owl (Skillshare)
Free Course
Just lay back and enjoy the amazing smell of burnt wood while Daniel creates a unique wood burning piece of art with wonderful patterns and shadings. You will learn how simple basic strokes and lines can turn into something amazing. This class is all about wood burning (pyrography) from [...]

Create a pattern from an Ink sketch with Gimp (Skillshare)

Self Paced
Create a pattern from an Ink sketch with Gimp (Skillshare)
Free Course
In this little tutorial I'll teach you how to create a pattern from an ink design. This is a free tutorial and we are going to create only a black and white pattern. If you wish to learn to add colors and textures in digital painting, you can follow [...]